♡ To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.♡_ Oscar Wilde

in #love6 years ago (edited)

Dear steemians,

Today is February 14th and it's Valentine's Day! This is an opportunity for me to tell you about my thoughts on this beautiful expression of love.
When we think of Valentine's Day, the immediate picture that comes to our mind is a couple with all the romance, flowers and chocolates and all sweet things, right?

But the word love has so much more meaning...


💗 Here is a definition of love:

Love encompasses a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, ranging from the deepest interpersonal affection to the simplest pleasure.

Love, in my opinion, has many different dimensions and expressions that differ from person to person. It can be love for your parents, children, siblings, steemians friends, neighbors, colleagues, pets, anyone and everyone ...


The ancient Greek used 7 words to define the different states of love:

Storge: natural affection, the love you share with your family.

Philia: the love that you have for friends.

Eros: sexual and erotic desire kind of love (positive or negative)

Agape: this is the unconditional love, or divine love

Ludus: this is playful love, like childish love or flirting.

Pragma: long-standing love. The love in a married couple.

Philautia: the love of the self (negative or positive)


These are 7 different types of feelings. The love you feel for your partner is not the same as the love you feel for your sister for example. But, we use the same words to express both "I love you", pouting the feelings are different. The intensity is not the same and it can also change over time, intensify or decrease.

💗 You need to love yourself first before you can truly love others!

Following relational failures, this subject has made me think a lot in recent years. I think it has become this ingrained belief that we need a relationship to define our path and our identity. And if unfortunately, we do not have this relationship by a certain amount of time then we missed our life!
That's what the consumer society wants us to believe but, it's false in reality.

Self-love is the key to healthy relationships! Because if we do not love ourselves, we will look for a relationship to fill a gap. We must seek in ourselves the love and self-confidence to be at peace. Then we can love others and help them to be a better version of themselves.
It's the most important thing I've learned in my life about love.

So, don't worry if you have not found your "soulmate", it's not a "blemish".
Do not let others make you think you have a problem. Maybe it's time to focus on yourself and your goals in life. Love can not really control itself, not like a job for example. If this is not the right moment, do not worry, focus on something else and love will come.

Take care of those you love all year long. But above all, take care of yourself!

If you liked reading this post, do not hesitate to UPVOTE, COMMENT and REESTEM!
Thank you for your support and long life to the STEEMIT community !!!

🎀 FlaminGirl 🎀
With love...


My heart was so broken really so I don't have much to celebrate this Valentines season but I hope yours has been awesome! Happy Valentines to all Steemians :)

Don't be sad my friend... This is a new heart just for you...

Interesting post on Love, which is the most important thing and feeling in the world.
I like the 7 states of love and I had no idea that ancient Greek had words for all these types of love.

I think a lot of people are searching for love, but you first have to feel love within yourself and spread the love in order to attract that love, because Love is everything, it's your happiness it's your life

Absolutely my friend! Thank you for commenting on my post. I am happy if you have learned something new! I would love so much that all people love each other more themselves, without falling into extreme narcissism of course. It will change a lot the way we behave with others ...

Love yourself enough to date yourself. A benefit to dating yourself is that you get to do all the things you want to do and you don't have a partner to be democratic with.

That is the biggest truth... Every love starts with loving (and putting focus on) yourself first! I love how you did this subject! Bravo!


Thanks @sarahkhann!
Happy Valentine's Day! 💖💖💖

thanks dear :)

You should love yourself first because you are the one who lives with you most.

Absolutely! 💖

I loved it! Thank you for that :)

Thanks my dear and Happy Valentine's day!

Love is belongingness of ones' to your beloved. Its enthralment of two soul's who rejoice with eachother without any fear. Love is wildness of thoughts caught in the bewilderness of soul's. Its essence is immaculate. Love is fearless and doesn't need time to grow. It just grows with the blood thumping from your hearts . Its endless and effortless . Love knows no language its just happens in the moment of togetherness. Love is yourself ., Love is kind . Love is inseparable

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