Challenging Love to Be Unconditional - Part 23

in #love6 years ago


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Birthday Intermission Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Intermission No. 2 Part 21 Part 22

Back tracking just a bit…..Between my was-band and Quinn’s full time presence here, while my kids were stretching further their wings, I put my house on the market.  I wasn’t really sure what I did want, but I didn’t want to stay and just take care of the things this land required by myself. I decided that I would be free to travel if I was not attached to this property. My daughter and I considered alternate options, including looking into an old Montgomery Ward Building apartment with a garden on the roof and windows that only opened a foot.  Our many options left me unsettled as I felt I needed the earth underneath my feet and open air to breathe.  

Making a move could potentially cost me more and I’d be receiving less, except I could turn the key and go explore everything anytime I wanted, and my daughter would have less responsibility in helping me keep up with and maintain our 3800 sf home and the 3.37 acres that accompanied it.

I talked with Quinn about the likelihood of my moving.  He was staying at my house at this time more and more frequently, and I felt we were on the trajectory to be together full-time.  I especially could not envision Quinn confined to four walls with lots of rules and  the “appropriate”, controlled behavior expected. We were spending a good majority of our time outside already, and it felt good to have our privacy as well.  Quinn didn’t tell me what he thought I should do, or what he wanted me to do.  He simply suggested I meditate on clarity and be open to synchronicity or what the Universe had to offer.

At the close of a day of romping play out in the sun, Quinn and I swayed in dance on the deck under the full moon--our music was the leaves that whispered in response to the night breeze.  The air was magically aglow in reflection of the stars that shot through the sky.  In love’s embrace there was an explosion--an “AHA!!!” that broke the night.  The birth of the concept for the Garden of Eden manifest through the vision of Quinn.  In that instant he received the download of the full scope of a sustainable reality that could be created on the foundation of new paradigm energetics--an empowered shift in perspective on how to live a life of thrival!

His vision in a second was already underway.  He wrapped me tightly in his arms and took me with him. Closing our eyes we experienced the living border around the perimeter of my property already grown, the dark rich soil that grew crops for many, also chickens, goats, rabbits, bees, bugs, birds…activating an eco-system that would sustain itself and many others along the way.  He shared not only the full circle of the natural world, but people living in harmony with the land and each other...being in service to one another for the betterment of the whole.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I could feel the purity of his vision.   I knew in my heart  that people could really live that way.  I felt the freshness of leaving behind a normal life of living for money and striving for the American dream, in exchange for the grand possibility of truly living a sustainable and passionate life of our dreams.  All of our needs would be met with more than enough of everything to share. 

YES!!! YES!! YES!!! Let’s do that!!! Let’s do that!!!

Oh wait….I have an offer on the house!  Oh nooooo!  What timing!

The more I tuned in to what Quinn shared with me, the more astounded I became.  It reminded me of how we as humans had become so separate from everything--from nature, from each other, from ourselves.  Just considering how few people in their everyday life actually even touched the Earth --that which sustains us--I was sure I didn’t want to go down that path.  The idea of moving from a life in nature to a concrete box with people on the other side of the wall felt as if it would crush my soul.  I had to ask myself if  those feelings were actually just ideas of myself, or would I really lose my connection with nature like almost everyone else I knew?  

Often I chose to push myself to go where it was uncomfortable to go for the opportunity for growth.  But this time I’m grateful I didn’t make a move sooner while I was still unclear, but waited for the real opportunity to present itself.  

I learned that I do best when I don’t try to make things happen until I know what direction to take.  Making a move before “it’s time”, often leads to undesirable outcomes or situations that are not in my best interest.  I believe I have angels watching over me helping me to find my way.  I find that if I wait for the spark to set in in any situation, I am led on a magnificent journey.

Go with me on the journey toward Unconditional Love!

Stay Tuned for Part 24


The first American living the live of African. With all these descriptions, I can see African settings all over the garden.

Have you been to Nigeria or any African countries before?

Thank God for the wise decision you made back then, the story wouldn't have been this beautiful

People from other countries really get what we are doing, at least on the physical level, because they aren't all caught up in the American Dream. I'm not surprised at all that you can relate to this story, as your heart and eyes are wider open than most!

I haven't been anywhere in Africa, though both my was-band and Quinn spent an extended period of time there. One day I would love to make it to Nigeria--and enjoy the lifestyle we have here at the @gardenofeden as a lifestyle for the masses. Truly profound coming from this side of the world!

I'm grateful too for these decisions I've made. My life has been upgraded to the max and I have no desire to go back! Thanks for your thoughtful comment @emmakkayluv! 💗

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