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RE: Love And Basketball? No, Love and Hurt Please. Contributed by @Olawalium

in #love6 years ago

Hmmm, this is just too accurate and what a perfect medicine to heal me of my hurt,

I made a post not long ago talking about my ex.
I know I made mistakes, but she did too, but we never take time to overlook our differences, we were their standing on our right in love forgetting the sacrifice it involved to make the love work, I later find another love, but it took me time to let go of my ex.
Now if you see me so gentle in love, it's not because I'm a fool, it's just that I don't want to experience the other side of love any longer.
Love is a beautiful thing, no atmosphere is better if love is lacking.
Thank you once more @olawalium, the love doctor.... Smile


Hahahahaha. You are right. Love is really a beautiful thing that no one can ever deny, no matter how it is conceived. Glad you have found love. Like I always say, the cute for broken heart is still more love.

Hmmm, sure. I am now a preacher of that to the broken hearted, we can love again only if we allow love to do it thing in our heart.
Many people locked up the door into their heart just because of one wrong person, if you don't open it, how would the right person comes in...
Indeed, the cure for love is more love.

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