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RE: Everyone Needs A Jimbo On The Crew

in #love6 years ago (edited)

Oh, dude! If I had my toolbox with me right now, I wouldn’t need the maintanance guy. One of the fellas from the Brotherhood is bringing it to me in July. I didn’t bring it on the plane, we came here with just 1 suitcase and 1 backpack each. So, in answer to your question, yes! It’s an electrical problem and my hands are tied behind my back.

No, just this part of the country we’re in loses power. The road we’re on has three nice sized Villagios (villages) and they share power so you see the lights flickering often. When starts it’s like a whole community of people know to immediately conserve energy or potentially bad things are near!

Infrastructure is actually referred to as a “developing country.” 50 years ago it was considered undeveloped and since then it was tagged under developed, and now, developing.

edit whoops! The 10k people part—nice circle, Janton!


haha! the 10K people thing. I have to laugh when they say I know everyone or I've seen everyone, no even 10 K is bigger than people realize I think. I haven't tried to break down the math but I think I've only seen a few thousand. We need growth though, tell Costa Rica to join! lol.

Oh, your poor toolbox..I mean poor you for being separated from it, that has to feel a little defenseless. I was under the impression that it was there because you said something about never being without it. So I was mislead. lol.

So what is the strategy for the home location, a small village within 30 minutes of a decent size city? Some areas are obviously more developed than others so is that what you shoot for or for more remoteness?

When is Jimbo coming to see you?

No, no, no. We spent our first month and a half near the metropolis, it’s a bit much! Now that we’re on the coast again, we’re remindwd why we fell in love with Costa Rica.

We’re going to stay away from city. I guess I haven’t seen the suicide crash?? 🤔 I’ll try to go to your blog today and see what you’re talking about. You’ve always been so friendly and mild tempered, I don’t understand why people have a problem with you.. doesn’t make sense. And to actually stop following you seems childish to me, I’d help’em close the door on their way out.

Jimbo will never come down here, he doesn’t ha e a passport and doesn’t believe life exists outside USA. That isn’t an exaggeration.

Howdy again sir dandays! oh that sounds so wonderful to be able to be in a small village or just near a small village but be in the country along the coast! wow. You'll have everyone wanting to come for a visit! I would think. Except Jimbo. that surprises me but it doesn't diminish my good impression of him that you painted for us in that post. But you'll be back for visits right?

In regards to my blog, I've occasionally had people complain about it but I'm not writing it for them, I'm usually just talking about history. Just a few days ago someone told me that I write about horror every day! Some people cannot accept that the world is not all flowers and love. and our past was especially brutal. Not that I glamorize that, in fact I downplay it.

But anything to do with horses many people don't like. I got really great reviews about the native American Indian relays post that I did but at the same time I had people complaining that it was animal cruelty! lol. Even when I explained that the horses were raised as part of the family, were bred race horses who loved to race!

for my post on the suicide race someone claimed animal cruelty because they claimed the horses were beaten!

But hey do you know anything about the Amish? I just posted a beautiful post today, well the post isn't beautiful except the photos of the Amish are, it is well worth the look for the photos. Okay, I'll let you go sir dandays.

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