LOVE, Contributed By @olawalium.

in #love6 years ago


I have our conversations in replays in my head
You are the bright star that shows up in the dead
You held me by the hand and you created a room for me to lead
Now and forever, your love is all I desire and need

I remember, oh sweet soul, I remember it all
How your smile melted my heart and you made me fall
Holding hands with you, around and about I walk tall
Your smile found its way into my heart and brought low my wall


Your lips are so tender and warm
Your touch is so reassuring and comforting
Your warm embrace gives my heart a home
You are just what my heart needed.

You are always running through my mind
I bless the day our paths crossed and you I find
Your love is so refreshing like the evening wind
There is no other place I would rather be than by your side.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Always thoughtful!

Yes love is a beautiful thing that's just different in everythihg God made. Well God himself is love so it will always beautiful

Yes, love is such a beautiful thing that no one can ever deny, no matter how it is conceived. God is love.

That feeling when the sound of the one you love echoes (imagine how it was for Adam and Eve before they fell)
That rush of adrenaline in your vein not for fear of danger but a fast and if you like furious racing of your heart when you see that special one.
That weak smile you use as defensive mechanism to avoid answering certain questions very nosy fellas ask when you are awaken from sleep with a smile nobody can explain.
That joy that flushes your mind when in the midst of a terrible day, you just care less as you make your way home, knowing that it would be worth it anyway.
Love is a beautiful thing. That phenomenon that makes everyone blind to their spouses faults.
Thanks for sharing my boss.

Yes, love is such a beautiful thing and it is that phenomenon that blinds us to the faults of our spouse and to ignore the warning signs. Thanks as always.

I can see @olawalium behind these lines 😉...though at same time you made me imagine of my love too...i can feel the closeness right front of my eye and close to heart. As I am talking to my love of life. The passionate lines cant be spoken so lamingly untill you feel them once for all in your life....
Thebtrue lover side of a great writer dear @olawalium

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Absolutely!. Feeling them make you understand the lines better and i am glad that it made you remember your love. Feel her warmth on your skin and the warmth of her breath on your neck. have written it so deeply and preaented it beautifully to make anyone feel the warmth of love..👌

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This warms my heart. I always enjoy your words. Gracias amigo :)

Amigo ?? Dear ..? Gracias is thanks in spanish right ?

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Yes, gracias means thanks in Spanish.

You are really saying the right words. Love is powerful weapon. Through love we can change the world together. Love has the power that can change one's mind. By love we can defeat the evil. Love is life.

Love doesn't only make the world go round, in fact it makes the journey worthwhile. Love is a vehicle and we need to rock it with caution too.

Thanks my friend.

You are great person with great understanding.

Let the pen bleed, lol. Great piece!

It never stops. Hahaha. Thanks a lot.

Love is the beautiful feeling in the world ♥️♥️♥️

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