Meet My Best Teacher

in #love6 years ago (edited) (1).jpg
Zen Master

My dog is enlightened. We're on a spiritual journey together. 🙂

When I take him on a walk and I'm in my fear programming, in my head absorbed in human problems, he grabs a stick and runs around and nudges up on me. What can be more important than playing? Lighten the hell up. Play is the most important thing there is. What the hell is the point of life if you're not having fun? You're already on a walk, so why not make the most of it?

When I act like shit and I'm complaining and not being loving, I look over at him and he looks at me like what the hell are you doing? I don't understand. I fucking love you.

He doesn't see my bullshit. He sees who I really am beneath it. All dogs are like that. It's unconditional love. It comes naturally to them, and unlike humans, even if you abuse them, you can never beat it out of them. They're just above beatings. They'll love their master anyway. They see who's beyond the abusing.

Dogs are masters at loving.

Dogs are master healers. They're a cuddly and warm presence through your crying session that no other human could sit through.

When my dog sees an ornery person walking in the park, there's no stopping him from jumping up on them. It's like he's on a mission from God to get some mud on their clean outfit and rustle them around a little bit - remind them to get dirty and loosen up. Hey, it's out of love, I swear.

My dog is the best player at the dog park. He starts the games. He gets everyone involved - even the lazy fat ones who don't like other dogs because their person's fears and neuroticism have rubbed off on them. And if another dog goes too far with him and is too bossy or too much in his space or too aggressive - he just shows them to back the fuck off. There's no meanness or malice behind it. He just shows them his teeth and growls and says back the fuck off now. And then he's over it. He doesn't hold a grudge. He doesn't brood over the fight and wonder if he did the most spiritual thing or why it always happens to him. He moves on with his life.

He trusts in his nature.

He's always present. All that matters is this moment. When he's snoozing on the bed, he's completely absorbed in how comfortable the blankets are. When he's playing with a stick, that stick is everything that exists in the world.

Dogs aren't afraid of dying. No animal is. When it's time, the cardinal just sits on a branch and falls to the ground. A dog just goes off alone, lies under a tree and lets it happen. A life free from fear of dying is a life of total freedom.

His presence is my best teacher.

And he learns from me, too. He chose being my dog as part of his soul's journey.

When I do my daily practice, he gets up and repositions himself like it's something important and he has to prepare for it and be in position for it, too. Sometimes he almost purs when I start chanting. (2).jpg
Here he is watching me practice yoga.

Related Reading:
The Alternative to Ending Toxic Relationships / What If You Were Like a Dog?

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Dogs are really a humans best friend! When I look at mine.. no judgement, no second agenda, no bullshit!

We can learn so much from our furry buddies!

Zen Master Ruff :), this is awsome and so true. Ive been around abused animals and it is truly crazy to see the love they always have.

Sounds like Zen Master is the perfect partner (other than the jumping on people part, Cesar Milan says that's not good). I've read that Ramana Maharshi was able to enlighten some of the animals that lived within his ashram so maybe it's possible that Zen Master can actually become a Zen Master...?

When it comes to retrurning to our natural qualities, animals are the best teachers. They never learnt to overthink things, to protect a social image or to collect what they don’t need. In many ways humans abuse themselves as to satisfy their egos.

I loved this one too! Funny how we wrote about the exact same topic within 24 hours of each other. Not surprised though!

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