For all those who think we have time to waste lying about my health.

in #love7 years ago (edited)

It's a Me! MARIO!

Though most of you know me as @ascendedmonkey, my real name is Simone Anna-Marlena Ho.
My mother is Karla Mejias
My father is Simon Ho
I know it happens a lot but not everyone is lying for sympathy.
The main reason I am an artist (apart from the fact that its what I love and I'm good at it) is because I haven't been able to cope with the stress of conventional jobs.
I was even fired from my first contract job right out of university because I kept fainting and they couldn't depend on me to be there on my own.


If it is one thing I despise is lying, and as someone who is actually sick it fucking SUCKS to be sick AND be called a liar on top of it. Like seriously?

Anyway, this is to prove the authenticity of my husband's post

because THIS ASSHOLE @steempromos who we sent 5 SBD to for a resteem, not only down voted us, but also called us liars and kept our money.
cunt supreme.png

Real classy guy. I hope the Steemit Gods come and wreak havoc on you because you fucking deserve it.


It's really hard to hear a person's voice in the written word. When I read friendly-fenix's replies, they didn't seem bad to me. There have been a lot of scams on here, so please don't blame them for trying to help you prove yours is not. The trust but verify thing is definitely worth doing for everyone. As a PI too, I definitely like researching before giving charity.

Charity is hard because people like me have been burned countless times, but I want to give to people who genuinely need it most. Figuring out who does though is no easy task. It's always a challenge to decide, and even then sometimes you still get burned. I didn't think what Friendly-fenix was posting about was bad therefore. They really did seem to be trying to help, not hurt.

I'm sure it didn't help that the clear jerk, steempromos, was in the same thread replies though. That probably spilled over to fenix's "voice" in his replies. Please reconsider being so upset at Fenix? I don't even know them either, but I think there's been a miscommunication between them and you guys.

It's a pleasure to help a friend, and I know you guys are voluntaryists/voluntarists. I'll send you some SBD. The money is not important though. You finding quality care and figuring out your health issues is. In one reply you said they thought it might be electrical. If that's the case, it might not be your heart after all? I'm no doctor, but I do pay very close attention to my diet and nutrition.

When I was younger I had undiagnosed Grave's Disease (just an over active thyroid gland). It caused my legs to cramp so badly that I couldn't stand, and I too lost jobs because of it. Because it went undiagnosed for so long, it really messed up my life. It was also doing damage to my heart the entire time. I'm thankful it didn't do more damage. Hopefully, you two can figure it out, but please don't trust doctors blindly.

They are the worst scammers of all after all. I've had plenty of experience with them. haha They mostly just want your money, and they will lead you on for years with bullshit. May your symptoms be resolved without that happening! Please keep me updated and don't let the bastards here get you down. Stay positive and eat well. Then your body will be able to heal better, right? :)

I found your post through @haveaheart 's PM using my wallet by the way.

@finnian Thanks for sticking up for me, I was just caught in the crossfire this time, I think? Anyway no hard feelings from my part, just wanted to help, (but I understand that my feedback was slightly misunderstood as "hate"? I get it it is emotional stuff).

But yeah people asking for money online should be prepared, not everyone might just instantly "jump the bandwagon", and there really should be a steem-based charity platform for these type of causes, because the blog-posts here close so fast (7-days)...

You're very welcome! I think it was just a misunderstanding due to the emotional situation as you suggested.

@haveaheart seems to be something similar to what you are suggesting, but I have not researched who's behind that account and all. That's how I found out about this situation too.

Thank you so very much!

Hi simone, the comments or judgement on that post are not correct and I totally agree wit you , however if you know how much people take advantage of other people goodwill and support? Unfortunately a lot. If the person does not trust you my question is than why not refund your SDB so to my it sound a little tricky. I wish you all the best and god bless.

I was just upset, I changed the haters part. I totally understand that people would want some kind of verification before being willing to help out. There are a lot of scammers out there, obviously, so I do not mean to offend. I was just pissed to wake up and see this on my husbands post.

Good day, and thank you for pointing that out @ernoldvb

As I wrote in the other comment:

Im not a "hater"?
Just think that it could be of value to figure out a way for you and your husband to prove that the condition was real to us and also verify that the money collected would go towards medical treatment. Exact amount and clearly stated goal. We would also like to see the receipt afterwards and maybe even pictures of the scars if there is an operation. I know it sounds frustrating, but credibility leads to bigger investments and engagement.

Totally agree and thank you for the advice! We will update the post as soon as possible.

I made a small contribution, if it helps thats great.

While your transfer is greatly appreciated, your confidence in my character is worth way more.
Thank you for having an open mind and heart. :)

I could try to look it up, but what does the symbol mean please?

Its the Chinese symbol for fire, and is associated with the heart and the emotion of joy according to Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy.
I have all 5 elements tattooed in their respective places (directions) and it serves as a mental remainder to strive for balance in all things.
Hope this explanation helps! And thank you again for your contribution, it means the world to us. :)

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