The Very Real Possibility That You Could Live Forever

Will the rise of artificial intelligence lead to us becoming immortal - or lead to our extinction? Turns out it's either one or the other.

Much of the information for this video comes from this excellent article on Wait, But Why. it's a 2-part article that will take about an hour to read and I tried to distill it down to a few minutes (and failed). It's a fascinating topic and well worth the read:

Computer technology is growing at an exponential rate - actually it has been growing exponentially for decades, but the thing about exponential growth is that the further it goes along, the bigger the leaps become. And we are on the cusp of some incredible leaps in technology.

Artificial Intelligence has captured our imaginations for years, but now that we are approaching the very real possibility of super-intelligent computers, people are starting to take notice, and the predictions span from boundless utopia to the end of the world. With very little in between.

Thinkers and scientists from Ray Kurzweil to Nick Bostrom to Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk are issuing stern warnings as well as optimism about what the future holds in a world where humans are not the smartest creatures on the planet anymore.

But there's still a long way to go. IBM's Watson was able to beat the biggest Jeopardy winner of all time, but it was still simply processing data, and not thinking in a creative sense. Still, those computers are right around the corner, and what happens when they reach the ability to think on our level and improve themselves will dictate the future - or end - of humanity.

This is not small stuff, it's HUGELY important.


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and nobody is talking about it [0:25 min]

Literally many people are talking about it! :P It's one of the most popular topics right now, which is where the question is coming from. Here's just a recent example I happened to watch.

Nitpicking aside, great vid!

I think to ad more to the topic, it's worth to read this soberly and at the samet time excellently written article:

Some of the things you mention in your video, the author discusses as well. Very worth to read! There is some agreement (complexity of human perception and understanding) and disagreement in what AGI is and what we connect to the terms "exponential" and "Moores Law" etc.

But what I would call the authors main message is that AI will not be "smarter" than humans but "different" or "other". I'd like to de-mystify this hype around AI - but I guess, I am too late :) It already became a strong narrative. I hope will get some similar strong narratives to counteract it.

Responsible we must be with all what is connected to the AI developments. It raises a lot of philosophical questions we - probably - never had to deal with in such a practical way.

Bye from Hamburg!

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