Livecam Webcam Model, Come hang out and chat with me while I'm live! (NSFW)

in #livecam8 years ago (edited)

Hi, I'm @denvermax

a Live Webcam Model on . I am currently live so come hang out and chat me up. I run a fun energetic chatroom. Hope to see you all there. I am live at the time of this post.
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    So before anybody gets "judgey" for me viewing this (heh) I will state that I am gay (see post) lol - and only have interest in viewing this to the extent that I think this type of thing has potential to grow the platform.

    I tried the link, and I got this error:

    Also, it might be useful to tell users that they should right click and open the link in a new window, because clicking on the link directly will cause the user to leave the Steemit post.

    Are you from MN? thats the only reason I could see that happening since I have MN banned

    Yes, what are the odds - hehe. Out of curiosity (if it is something you are willing to share) why did you ban MN?

    I live in MN so its just for safety and so friends don't stumble on me. Awkward!

    Ah, right on! Well best of luck on the site. I'll still follow you and check out what you post here on Steemit. I might create a post within the next week or so talking about the introduction of porn onto the site. If I do, I'll send you a link :)

    LOL am gay too. What am I doing here?

    Hah. Yes, us gays tend to flock towards the sexy girls. They love us, and we love them! Its a symbiotic relationship indeed. Lol

    Nice @denvermax! Have you ever considered streaming on All tips are in Bitcoin.

    I haven't heard of it. I'll give it a look, Thanks

    framelalife will never learn to remember to give his referral link so have mine Xotika.TV. You can usually find me in the bitcoin bar (my channel) if you need any help. It's up 24/7 and there is info on how to get started in the bio.

    Also no personal info is required except for an email since your a streamer. Since it's bitcoin no chargebacks and you can withdraw your earnings any time and you get it in a few minutes.

    Hello @denvermax good to see you here! obviously, this will be in interesting top for everyone to discuss lol

    I also checked the link and it works fine for me too.

    Why help there ;) will look forward to jumping on to see you :p

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