DEAR LITTLESCRIBE: My friend is cheating on their spouse. Should I tell the spouse?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #littlescribe7 years ago (edited)


When you know that a friend has cheated and the spouse asks you, should you be honest and betray the other person’s trust, or just stay out of it by denying any knowledge

Ooooh. This is a good one.

Generally my position is unless it's your BEST friend or a CLOSE family member, it's not your place to tell. And even then, you need to measure the risk. The person may not be ready to hear it, or handle it. Or they may have extremely fickle feelings once they do find out and rage on you for being the messenger and not telling them sooner. Infidelity brings with it many complications.

A cheating spouse may be preparing to tell the truth and needs to work through some things first. There could be abuse involved, or a history you are unaware of.

Cheating on someone is no simple task. It requires lying, deceiving, pretending, keeping facts straight, keeping things hidden, using money secretly, changing the schedule to accommodate a secret rendez-vous with another lady....

Cheating also involves faking feelings to save face, checking in to make sure your spouse is not on to you, etc. All of this leads to a shift in personality, habits, behaviors, attitudes, and feelings. No matter how clever a cheater may be, they can never be truly authentic with their partner. Even if the partner doesn't know what's going on, they know when something is "off."

They will see what they want to see. When they are ready to see it, things will start to show up. That’s how it works. They don’t need YOU to point out their relationship sucks.

That being said, your situation is a little different since YOU were approached and not the other way around. This changes the game. You have been put into a very difficult situation through no fault of your own, and now, no matter what you choose to do, you will be either betraying the one or lying to the other.

If I were you, I would take one of two approaches:


Ask the spouse why they feel that way. Get them to open up and talk about their own feelings, validate them as neutrally as you can, listen to them, and encourage them to listen to their own gut and find out for themselves what it is that keeps them up at night.

Say, “You could be onto something. Maybe you need to look into it. Try reading up on the subject, or get a therapist to help you navigate the issue. As for me, I’d feel really uncomfortable getting involved in something this delicate because I love you both and want you to be happy together.”

Keep the conversation off of you so as not to get in the middle. Then, put some distance between you and the couple for awhile so you don’t get pulled into a war when everything hits the fan. Because it WILL hit the fan. And if you are involved, YOU will get the brunt of it.


The fact is, if your friend is bold enough to ask you a question like that, they already suspect it anyway, which means they will be on the lookout, and they will find out soon.


Ask the spouse why they feel that way. Get them to open up and talk about their own feelings, validate them as neutrally as you can, listen to them, get a feel for whether they really are ready to hear the truth, and then tell them only what they need to hear.

Keep it simple, like, “Yeah, I think something might be going on. But I don’t know all the details, and honestly, I do not feel comfortable getting involved. I think you guys have a lot to work out, and it should not include me being in the middle.”

Then let the spouse know you love them BOTH, you hope for the best, recommend a good therapist, and leave it at that.

The approach you take depends entirely on

  • how close you are to each individual
  • how solid each individual is (which one is least likely to blow up on you and blame you when things go wrong)
  • Whether the spouse is really ready to hear what you have to say

It is NOT your job to fix this, or tell all the details. That is your friend’s job. Do not rob that from them or take on their burden. It isn’t yours to take.

After that, you need to distance yourself a little bit...


(or a lot) because, as I said earlier, it WILL hit the fan. Stay out of arguments, don't offer advice, don't listen to them complain about each other, don't "be there for them" by helping solve their problems or you will inevitably be the scape goat, regardless of whether they split up or work things out.

Leave it to a professional. They are big kids. They can solve their own problems. Wish them the best, and find something else to do if the subject comes up.

P.S. I've been in your shoes. So trust me when I say steer clear. No matter how clever you think you are, emotions rage in a cheating scandal. You cannot predict how it will go.

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Right so when is the next one of these.... 'cause I sure have one for you LOL

Do you now? Send it my way. Maybe I can make a post out of it....

My Daughter of 15 who has never met her dad, has asked if she could.
I was 20 when I fell pregnant, and he decided that he was too young to be a parent, the extent of his acceptance towards his responsibilities was paying for an abortion. When I declined his offer, he refused to have anything to do with parenting, as in NOTHING... NADA
So I have been raising her alone for 15 years - and now this....

My head is in a spin.

None the less, I have been trying to get in contact with him, but no success yet. For my daughters sake I will carry on trying...

Any advice on the best way to go about this?

@breezin, thanks for the question! I'll respond within the next couple of days! In the meantime, what do you mean by "no success?" Do you think he is deliberately avoiding returning your call? Do you think the contact info is out of date? What have you tried thus far?

I have sent messages on social media as well as tried to call him, but he hasn't responded or replied. Getting hold of him is the first part, what comes after that is the difficult part, what to say and how to go about it all...

OK! I've posted a reply here

Also, be sure and follow me so you can keep up on comments and changes to Dear Littlescribe!

Thank you so much!! I will do that

Oh wow, how I wish that I have read this sooner!

No worries, @breezin. There is still hope. Just employ the "hey I love you both" language, and back away from the vortex as gracefully as you can until it all blows over. Things will simmer down, and you may have a friend yet.

I do love them both, despite the fact that the person she messed her man around with was my man....
Its like my very own soap opera

Um. lemme get this straight. She cheated on her man with YOUR man? Ooh, this gets deliciously scandalous. In that case, you go whole hog, girl. Let the world know. Just my opinion.

If you're interested in a hilarious and "suck you in" soap opera of sorts, check out Jane the Virgin on Netflix. Even my husband likes it. It's like the only show we both agree on. And we're totally hooked. It will get your mind off your own problems at least for 45 minutes.

hahaha, oh, you have no idea - This rabbit hole runs deep!

I will go check it out, I must admit, I rarely ever watch tv, but I will make an exception :D

Oh dear. You poor thing. Hope you have a great therapist!!! And way to be positive.

hahaha, Therapists will run when they see me LOL

I must say, staying positive is a conscious effort!

But hey right now I am just trying to see issues as lessons in stead

I really like your SHTF visual ;).

Thanks. I thought it was right on.

Wow nice post I like it this post
LITTLESCRIBE: My friend is cheating on their spouse. Should I tell the spouse

Hehehe... Very funny.

Stay completely out of it.

Wow! That was intense! I need a nap after reading that! 😴 I'm just kidding. That was brilliant! Thank you for sharing. 👍🏼😄

Like your posts! I say rather stay out of it. The poo from the WTSHTF says it all...

Wow !
Great article !!
I agree with you "We need to measure the risk before saying anything " !
Thanks for sharing my friend !

Thanks, @akka! I noticed your other comments as well. Glad you like my posts. I'll check you out too! Also, if you're feeling particularly gutsy, or just need a pointer or two, make sure and include a burning question when my next LittleScribe Question Request comes out. (I do them once a week and offer rewards for the winner.)

Wow !
I got you have checked my posts ! thanks you so much dear @littlescribe !
I will try my friend !!

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