Legend of the Candle, The light of every souls (Originally translated Filipino fictional story)

in #literature8 years ago

Legend of the Candle

Once upon a time, people get so scared when the dawn of darkness approaches. Because there is no light that will serve as brightness in their surroundings. And there leader Datu Kuman forbid loggers and even cut trees to make fire because it is so harmful to the nature. That's why they started going to bed as the sun sets.

Datu Kuman had a daughter name Nila. He is so strict with his daughter that is why no young man have the courage to come near to his daughter. But one day, a young lad from the next village was fascinated by her beauty. The man name Kad.

One day while Datu Kuman was not around Kad find a way to come near to Nila. They talked and shared each other's experiences until they felt something special for each other. And this is the start where they always see each other every night when the people already fell asleep. This is their only way to be with each other. But they don't expect that someone will saw them, and the news came to Datu Kuman's attention immediately.

In the next morning Kad was being summoned by Datu Kuman. He was beaten and thrown away. Nila saw him and she immediately came to aid her beloved. She mend the wound and took good care of Kad. Reluctantly, she still go and talk to his father.

"I loved Kad" Nila said.

"You can gain nothing from him, he is just a very poor person" answered his father.

"I am ready to do anything if you just accept our love." Nila is begging her father.

"I can only accept your relationship if you both can do and make one thing that can serve as light to all when the evening comes." Datu Kuman's answered.

But Nila can do nothing about it. And she even don't know that her father the Datu has a plan to kill her beloved Kad. It was only came before her when the news reach her that her beloved Kad was found dead.

Nila felt too much sorrow while holding the dead body of her beloved Kad. With too much anger she shouted, " Father, I can't do the thing that you asked me, to serve as light in the dark. But my loved for Kad is pure." After that horrifying proclamation of Nila, she then ended her own life.

The next day the villagers was puzzled when the two bodies of lovers has gone. And they found something that shape horizontally. They observed it very long, until they discovered that the thread in the upper part can be lighted with fire. And it gives light to their surroundings. They called it candle or (KANDILA in Filipino) as a respect in the memory of the two lovers Kad and Nila.

Since then, the villagers used the candle every time the night comes to give brightness in the surroundings.

This coming November 2, 2016, Philippines will celebrate a tradition called "All Souls Days" and candle will be use to light the way of every souls.

Everybody has the right to choose whom they will love. Give them their freedom to enjoy life out of their own choice to avoid losing them at all.

The story is composed by the great mind of Filipino composers and is translated to be understood by the coommunity.

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