Read the past, write the future - Today commemorates the 50th anniversary of INTERNATIONAL #LITERACYDAY

in #literacyday8 years ago


Reading is so pleasant and satisfactory, I don't imagine without my books, without my keyboard to communicate with you, dear steemians.

Without it reading and the writing not can suck to be best, without them it understanding is retracts, not there is capacity of critical, the inequality grows and it democracy is postponed, is delay and until can suspend is.

Write and read are them tools irreplaceable for the development of the intelligence, the knowledge and the communication, through them is tend them bridges for the equality, them of the equity and with them is possible exercise the freedom, so of important are these instruments, are materials indispensable for know, defend and exercise our rights human.

official poster Unesco

The extraordinary cultural, scientific and educational development worldwide at the present time, has led to the need for other types of literacy, these are scientific literacy, the digital and the cultural. However, the learning of the reading and the writing is it fundamental, them are the key for access and open the doors to them other literacies.

Before continue with this post is important to know the message of the Director General of the Unesco Irina Bokova, with motive to this commemoration annual.

 Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the International Literacy Day, 50th Anniversary  8 September 2016 
 For fifty years, International Literacy Day has celebrated literacy as an empowering force for women and men and for society as a whole. We have seen great progress since the proclamation of International Literacy Day by UNESCO in 1966. The world’s population has increased substantially, but the number of young adults without literacy skills decreased by 25 percent between 1990 and 2015. There has been movement in enhancing women’s opportunities to acquire literacy – 43 countries have shown major improvements in gender parity. The global Education for All movement spearheaded much positive change. But not enough. There remain today 758 million adults who cannot read or write a simple sentence. Two thirds of them are women. On the side-lines of the global village, they receive none of the benefits of globalization and suffer all its costs. These women and men are more vulnerable to ill heath, exploitation and human rights abuse. They are more likely to be unemployed and paid less. Unable to read or write, they are held back from their full potential, and whole communities are locked into vicious cycles of poverty that lay the conditions for violence and strife. Illiteracy remains synonymous with exclusion and poverty -- we must turn this around. This is the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, setting forth a new global vision of prosperity, sustainability and peace in 17 Sustainable Development Goals – including a specific goal to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Literacy is essential to success across the board. A foundation for human rights and dignity  literacy is vital for poverty eradication, for gender equality, for more inclusive and sustainable societies. This is why we launch today the Global Alliance for Literacy, to mobilize investment and promote innovative initiatives, with a focus on gender and new information and communication technologies. We must seize every opportunity -- we must work across all sectoral boundaries. The world has changed since 1966 – but our determination to provide every woman and man with the skills, capacities and opportunities to become everything they wish, in dignity and respect, remains as firm as ever. Literacy is a foundation to build a more sustainable future for all – this is UNESCO’s message.    Irina Bokova 

Can highlight of his message, to the refer is to the situation of the relationship literacy-illiteracy in the world, Express: "today continues having 758 million of illiterate that not know read or write a sentence simple, two thirds of which are women". What says, that despite them multiple efforts that them Governments and institutions private performed for the removal of this remora social, the situation of the illiteracy in the world, persists and is serious, being in them countries impoverished where this phenomenon is almost always present.

Forest Whitaker, Actor and UNESCO Special Envoy for Peace and Reconciliation, shares his personal witnessing of the transformative power of literacy as he calls for action to get together and provide proficiency in literacy and access to learning opportunities for all by 2030.
This video message is for the 50th Anniversary of International Literacy Day 2016

The literacy form part of the objective of development sustainable 4, that is proposes "ensure an education inclusive, equitable and of quality and promote opportunities of learning during all the life for all". The goal is to ensure that by 2030 all young people and at least one substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, have skills of reading, writing and arithmetic.

infographic 2016 presented by Unesco

The international literacy day will be held in the whole world. The main ceremony will be held at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris, and will assume the form of a two-day conference duration, on 8 and 9 September, whose highlight will be the delivery of the international literacy prizes. Also, the Global Alliance for literacy (GAL), a new and ambitious initiative which aims to bring together key stakeholders in order to promote literacy as a basis for lifelong learning will be presented.


In Steemit we feel proud of to form part of it innovation, as contribution to the new literacy and to the work of the people. I cordially invite administrators of this platform, to @ned and @dantheman to develop and promote contributions, contributing to poverty eradication and to increase the level of global literacy.

And you ask steemians, would give the input to contribute to the cause?

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