Forking Profits

in #litecoin6 years ago

Them hard forking blockchain splitting clones are not all that bad. Sometimes they even create some unexpected 25% gain. Like #litecoin-cash, or #lcash, or #lcc did just now. Got 10 times more of those than the held #ltc, not bad. #zappl


I'll need to buy some BTC/LTC and to hold them on my own so I could benefit from the hard forks, but even so, I don't have the money to actually get something noticeable :))

Well I doubt if any more hard forkin blockchain splitting clones will come Andrew.

So, no need to buy into the expensive cryptos. Maybe during a firm future dip look for the cheaper ones?

Actually right now I am waiting for the market to get a small correction or something like that or I will feel like I am buying because of a FOMO :))

I don't consider myself an investor at all and just playing with the small money that I have, hoping to catch some promising crypto at a small price. What would you bet on?

Well, currently the best is earning Steem I guess and build that up slowly and steady.

The Cryptos market is moving quite unpredictable, yet moving upwards overall. Roller coaster patterns, hard to pick one now. Many new Cryptos that I have no clue about what so ever...

Stay clear from FOMO though Andrew.

Already the ones I have in my portfolio dropped a few percent. Except SBD and Steem.

You could look on the second page of Coinmarketcap dot com, see if there is one below a cent worth, read about it and see if you think it has growth potential.

Yet, the sheer massive amount of Cryptos makes it difficult to find that next golden pearl.

It seems to me that Steem itself now is a good way for growth. To invest time and effort in.

Thank you so much for your wise words! I guess I should try to follow your advice as much as possible, because I am very easily tricked with some FOMO :)) Right now I hope everything will works out okay, because I want to buy myself an apartment from crypto (this is a dream of mine actually, because the chances are pretty small). Who knows, if the market gets really high, in a couple of years, that should be possible, but until then I will have to make the good choices :D

It is my pleasure Andrew.

Keep true to your dreams and always keep lots of them. No matter how unreachable they may seem.

Whish that one day you can buy that appartment with Cryptos.

And things are now looking good for Steem. So, let the FOMO go. 😉

Thank you again, let's hope market will go up and crypto mainstream!

leuk,hoelang onderhandelt je al in cryptocurrency?
Groetjes @oaldamster

Al heel wat jaren, ergens 2012/13? Weet het geeneens meer zo.

Maar die Litecoin-Cash was een bonus die ik kreeg omdat ik al Litecoin had toen die zichzelf kloonde en afsplitste.

En lijkt er op dat speculanten die nu gaan opkopen. Die mogen daar vooral mee doorgaan, wat mij betreft.

Groetjes retour @traderr

Wow lekkere winsten dan al, in juni zal het 1 jaar zijn bij mij en kan zeggen vette winsten al waar ik heel blij met ben, de beste investering is Ethos verlopg bij mij, zit er al lang in.(dus voor mij wel spannend afwachten voor wallet release)

Hahaha, dat van die winsten viel in het begin tegen hoor. Pas sinds 2016 begon het goed te gaan. Ben ook gestopt met actief handelen. Meer gekozen voor langere termijn investeringen.

Heb zo EOS gekocht op 0.85, was toen te voorzichtig, want die doet het bijzonder goed. Maar ik klaag evengoed niet hoor. 😁

Normaliter verkoop ik die afsplisers meteen, maar LCC had ik nog gehouden. Die werd eerst gedumpt, maar nu lijkt deze weer opgepikt te worden. Dus wacht ik nog even.

All of crypto is still in the early stages, especially litecoin. Lots more to be done in the future, but it will happen with time.

Litecoin itself is evolving in a healthy way. The split-off Litecoin-Cash I do not know that much about. Found it weird it did. But maybe I can sell it at a good price and buy more LTC.

Well, I also think so, you buy it your of luck.

Best of luck to you too.

litecoin price going to the moon.Will be watching markets with interest.Thanks for sharing your contents with us I really appreciate your efforts and time.
upvoted and resteem

Litecoin will go beyond, it will go for deepspace I think. Litecoin-Cash might join all the others going for the moon though. And when uit does I will sell my LCC and buy LTC. ;-)

Thanks for the vote and resteem.

Thank you for the information.

wah this is very interesting information for me. thank you sir @oaldamster for this interesting information

thanks for the information @oaldamster

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