Awareness = Limitation?

in #limitation7 years ago (edited)

I can only speak from a point of awareness on this level, but I seem to feel that - Whenever I define “I” or “ME” as something less than everything - that may be an ego thought. Awareness may be a cage of light. Some would say - Only knowing is what is.

If grass is growing in a yard, I may think - Is that good or bad, fortunate or unfortunate? It only matters if I take a point of view (from the definition of a point of “what am I?”). If I am a person, I might say, I like grass in the yard or maybe I don’t, but it is only from that perspective that I can make that determination (i.e., judge). It would seem that all points of view are judgments, and these judgments create a seeming point of awareness.

As Marianne Williamson says, our greatest fear is the power that we have. We can start to realize this when we see that our thoughts create universes/multi-verses (e.g., little r realities). We like to think of this world as real, but it’s really just a compilation of thoughts from a limited perspective (i.e., awareness). It seems there are signs all around us that give us hints of this world’s unreality. If it is real, why can’t we define it? Why are there so many things that we don’t understand or that don’t compute? I wonder why pi is an irrational number? (Note: The number pi is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, commonly approximated as 3.14159... ad infinitum. It is represented as the symbol π or the letters pi.) Something so basic and elementary to our reality as a circle in our existence, yet it seems indefinable even by any computer on our planet. Some say all lines in the universe are curved. Oh what a crooked world we weave when we think a thought that deceives.

Sometimes, I like to do thought experiments – Like a world where 2+2=5. What would a world like that look like? Any time you added 2+2 another unit would automatically appear, but since it had always been that way in the thought, it wouldn’t seem weird. Just like pi, the number 4 would be an irrational or imaginary number. Some scientists may have thought of the idea, but no one could define it in this alternate universe where it did not really exist. Just think – in this universe there would be no houses or rooms with 4 sides, the pyramids would look different, the square would not exist and the cube would no longer be one of the prime sacred geometries.

In search of the One


What if broccoli actually tasted good?
And, ice cream was the most healthy food?

Is language even an adequate tool to describe the level of meaning you go into here? I feel that language is just a way of linking up different intuitions and subjectivity, or "little realities" as you say. Is math real or invented by us? This youtube video goes into that, it's only 10 minutes and pretty interesting, titled "Do numbers EXIST?":

The fact that there is infinite knowledge and finite time proves a very real limitation for everyone. We all die, so what's the point? What gives us meaning while we are here? I think language is a very real tool that proves our need to connect, although it is not a requirement. I've had interactions with people who did not speak my language and I didn't speak theirs, but through communication I was still able to connect intuitively. I may be getting away from the theme of your article, but I think the point of awareness is primarily to connect with everyone. Intuition, empathy, and similar levels of awareness are real and they give our lives meaning. It may be the "oneness" you are searching for. Not trying to be patronizing or anything, but I just thought it might be interesting to analyze this topic on the basic level of what language does. Aren't words just something we all agree on to describe our subjectivity? I.E. party is not a verb, but we all know what someone means when they ask us, "Do we want to party?". I don't know, just some thoughts. Another interesting way to approach this puzzle might be through music. It has been proven music stays in the brain in very weird ways. It connects us to the universe. Everything resonates, every sound in life from birds to traffic is a musical note, and we not only capture it, but we resonate and become it. I could rattle on for a while here. Your article really got me thinking. Cheers.

Thanks pauljosepharcher for your most thoughtful comments. Yes, perhaps, some of our most significant understandings are experiential? Dev 😉

I really liked reading your article. And of course I agree with what you say. What is "real" is beyond our senses and what we consider so real, is an illusion (but useful one- everything in existence has its divine reason!). Much Love @endeavor

Yes, it is all divine

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