"[I was] naked, and ye clothed me." #LightTheWorld day 16

in #lighttheworld7 years ago

Clothing and protection, so easy to take for granted until we don't have adequate covering.

How many of us have wardrobes with items we haven't worn in years? or better yet, that no longer even fit?

Could they be put to better use by someone else before we let the moths get to them?

If clothing is not our surplus, what other protection and warmth could we provide to others?

The warmth of friendship and kindness goes along way to those "over exposed" to the chill breezes and storms of life.

Jesus taught:

"[I was] naked, and ye clothed me."

—Matthew 25:36

Along with things like food and shelter, clothing is a basic need. It covers us and can keep us warm. We can share with people to help them get the items they need.


  • Recently purchased some new clothes?
    Donate some old ones to a charity or thrift store.

  • Have you ever felt really cold during winter?
    Buy a new winter coat and give it to someone in need.

  • Are you planning on buying new clothes online to give as Christmas presents this year?
    Consider purchasing through an online store that donates a portion of an item’s price directly to a charity of your choice.

Check out what others have had to stay on steemit at #lighttheworld

Visit JustServe.org for more ways to #LightTheWorld in your community (U.S. and Canada only).

Visit mormon.org/download to download this video to share and to find other #LightTheWorld content.


Nice inspiration post.

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I do not live in the richest country of Ukraine and perfectly understand what you are talking about. My family did not starve and did not need much. But families of my family's acquaintances in the 1990s were very poor. And I remember very well how their children rejoiced at my things, which my parents gave. This time we have a tense situation in ATO, and I, like many our citizens, help things and products, giving them to volunteers who send them to the front. Good luck to you and good.

Woow nice post!

A warm heart doesn't need clothes ! The love which it gaves is like a blanket

This time warn cloth important for us.

Luke 3 vs 11

''And he would answer and say to them, "The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.''

Thanks @gavvet for this post. It's one where no one will have any excuse not to give. The ideas I have with respect to giving out our clothes, We can clean our closets! We should de-clutter our closets and our lives, by giving those clothes that no longer fit, or might have gone out of style, to our local Goodwill or other clothing drive. The clothes we give away will keep those in need warm and give them a sense of dignity.

Also, you know those free samples that we always get from the dentist (toothbrushes, floss and toothpaste)? Rather than throwing them into a drawer and forgetting about them, we gather them up and donate them to our local homeless shelter.

I hope this helps someone become a blessing in this season. Thanks

Great points there. Atines we forget this things and obligations.
“For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man
in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine
clothing and say, ‘You sit here in a good place,’ while you say to the poor man, ‘You stand over
there,’ or, ‘Sit down at my feet,’ have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and
become judges with evil thoughts?” James 2:2-2:4
By letting needy people be without proper clothing, we are making it easy for others to judge them unfairly. Thank you for reminding us to include clothings while showing love season and beyond.

I was just discussing this with my mother this afternoon and she was telling me how the owner of the farm which my father manages, denied loaning, not even giving, his staff R3000 for Christmas. This man is extremely wealthy and he could not even part with a few 'cents' to help someone else to get to be with their families. It is so sad to see how greedy we get the wealthier we become. We see this prophecy in Matthew 24:12, where because of wickedness men's hearts become cold.

You know, I learnt a lot from the story of Dorcas. Despite the fact that she was not too 'rich' as the world see it, but eternal she impacted more lives than even the rich ones could.

She clothed those around her, by making clothes.

Acts 9 vs 39

'So Peter arose and went with them. When he arrived, they brought him into the upper room; and all the widows stood beside him, weeping and showing all the tunics and garments that Dorcas used to make while she was with them'

So for some of us who are good at sewing, we can make some lovely clothing and give to those who have not. When we see people wearing the works of our hands, and we see that our own products are helping make people warm, we feel a sense of satisfaction that money can't buy.

That's what true living is all about.

Very true @gavvet. Thanks for urging us to go the extra mile by checking our closets for clothes.
Most times i find out that i was keeping an item “just in case” or as a back-up.
My thought process was something like “What if I can’t do laundry for 45 days in a row? Shouldn’t I make sure I have enough clothes so I can wear something new for all 45 days?!” In reality, I do some kind of laundry almost every day. And if we ever are without laundry for more time than usual (away on holidays, our washing machine breaks down, etc.) even if I only had 7 shirts, I could wear each one twice and be decently clothed for two weeks.

Another thing I often found myself doing was over stocking. I thought “if I like to wear black t-shirts I better make sure I have 10 so I always have one available!” Again I reminded myself that I can do laundry and have an item clean again very easily.

Sometimes rationally thinking through these “what-if” scenarios was all I needed to do to let go of this scarcity mindset. Think about what you actually need and wear in your wardrobe. Chances are you don’t need as much as you think.
I have made up my mind to do a mop up, i will not only give clothes i am not wearing, but make some sacrifices of giving things dear to me. Thats where teue happiness comes from.

I was really glad to find out that a lot of people are writing posts under the #lighttheworld, especially outside of steemit.

For example, this site https://howdoesshe.com/clothe-the-naked-light-the-world/ wrote a post on giving, under the #lighttheworld
She pointed out two important ways we can cloth the needy in this Xmas-

We could go buy the Christmas song by Bianca Merkley for $1.00. All proceeds will go to the International Rescue Committee and her song can be listened to all year long- it’s that good!(check the link above on how to buy the song)

Secondly, You could go buy the Christmas Countdown Banner in the HowDoesShe Shop. All proceeds using code: REFUGEE will be donated to the IRC and you get $1 off, so your price will be $3.99!

Let's get creative this Christ and bless lives

Thanks alot for this.
Whatever the reason, it’s in your closet but you aren’t wearing it. It’s time to let it go, the money is already spent. Keeping it in your closet will not get the money back. In fact, keeping it will only prolong your negative feelings, making you feel guilty every time you see it. If it’s not something that you love, you are never going to wear it anyways. It’s just taking up space in your closet. Let the item go. There are a lot of people who would love and treasure them.
Isaiah 58:7
"Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry And bring the homeless poor into the house; When you see the naked, to cover him; And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
God bless you for all your efforts. Keep soaring high. You are a huge blessing to humanity.

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