Easy Eating

in #lifestyle6 years ago


Fast food is popular amongst teenagers particularly as it is readily available and most delicious. Parents are very busy in their careers and often do not have the time to prepare wholesome, delicious and nutritious meals for their children. This, however is not the most beneficial way to raise children and especially teenagers.

Peer pressure is the reason many teenagers eat fast food, as they are frowned upon if they bring packed lunches. Tuck shops at school are guilty of stocking up on unhealthy food and sugar loaded snacks. As a result, many teenagers who participate in this way of life gain weight by getting hooked on this unhealthy food and then become a laughing stock and very unpopular with their peers, whose genes can deal with such food. This makes for a very negative situation which could even lead to suicide as these youngsters are not able to live with this form of ridicule. Parents have a big role to play in guiding their children. They can't just stand by and do nothing. If there is a weight problem, a parent should or must take control and allow the youngster to see a dietician or doctor.


However, this does not stop these teenagers from devouring fast foods. It is easier to buy fast food than to prepare a healthy smoothy or a nutritious sandwich that will take time as teenagers look for instant gratification.

The above states clearly why teenagers love fast food so much. We can also deduce that a problem here is laziness, which is most probably a result of a poor example from parents. It is so easy to just pick up the phone and order a pizza, which I must admit is mouthwatering and does not include any preparation.

Advertising and marketing make junk food so appealing. I think that its not just teenagers, but most of us who are drawn in by this negative influence.


Youngsters should understand how food works. Carbohydrates should make up a small part of eating and sugar should be cut out. I have found a few sweeteners new on the market which are healthy. 3 portions of fruit daily are healthy and then the main part of our diet should be made up of protein and vegetables. Nibbles such as nuts ( almonds, preferably), rice cakes, rye crisp bread, sugar - free yogurt and all food with a low glycemic index. Labels should be carefully checked for undesirable ingredients.

Having fun with food is possible!! We are blessed to live in an era of healthy substitutes, even chocolate. We do not have to suffer with a way of eating baring down like a curse on our backs. Problems have solutions. Enjoy living.

Sources : Own content experience and study.



Yes, I agree with you. On a normal day, I don't really consider how food works for me because I just feel let me eat whatever I see due to hunger but now that I've read this post, considerations begin.... Thanks for letting me know and thanks for giving us example of healthy foods....i will try having some to eat, at least, for a start...... I really appreciate that.... This post is informative and I will like everyone to consider this post and practise The habit of making healthy meals.... Thanks once again.

Yeah most of the teenagers nowadays are addicted to this fast food. This is because it is instantly available. The world today is very fast and so the fast food. But i tell you its really bad for health.

Yeah teenager are lazy when it's comes to cooking
They prefer fest food

You are right about carbs and appreciate you sharing tips for more healthy living but especially around changing the way we think about processed foods.
Personally I have moved to a ketogenic eating plan with intermittent fasting. For years I have tried every conceivable diet plan only to find that they are not sustainable. I have cancer and rheumatic heart valve disease and have never felt more alive and rejuvenated in my life. I have lost 10 kg and 6 cm around my waste and having fun with a really healthy way of eating.

Congratulations on mastering the flesh. I often think about the covenants and how, among the saints, those which are most readily visible as dishonored, are those relating to this subject.

I have given up sugar and simple carbs, to the extent my family will readily allow me, have lost 12 kgs and am without energy.

As opposed to sleeping at 24:00 nightly, I can seldom make it past 20:00 now.

Unfortunately, I failed to do due diligence in determining a healthy dietary regimen before the results of an unhealthy forced the issue.

One who is commanded in all things, or forced, is a slothful servant, and will pay the price, in health, wealth, longevity and other blessings.

Sugar and simple carbs = obesity, cancer, cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, and so forth, it would seem.

now I am hungry! So I will eat some muesli and yogurt (yay)

Appreciate your point of view and would like to add value to the subject of easy eating.
as you know I have a rheumatic heart valve disease and was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Also based on hours and hours of research in the field of autophagy I have decided not to go the chemical route but to rather starve my body of the 'food' that cancer thrives on.
My life saving decision is based on the work of Yoshinori Ohsumi who won The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2016 on his work in the field of autophagy. See links below.
In supporting this philosophy, Inline with my last comment I have taken the route of a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting (IF). Dr Berg is the guru on this and has been for over 20 years.
I have never felt more healthy, alert and in tune as i do now not to mention the weight and cm loss.


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