All About That Vape - Support Advocacy

in #lifestyle8 years ago (edited)

At the end of this month, I'll have been a vaper for 3 years. Never thought I'd still be doing this. I never thought it would work. It did. It does.

I'm definitely what you would've called an "avid smoker," at almost 2 packs a day--every day--from the time I was 19 until I was almost 30. Almost ten years of my life.

When vaping blipped on my radar, a good friend of mine, who smoked about the volume of cigs I did, purchased a KangerTech Evod from a local shop. After I watched her go 2 entire days without a cigarette, I resolved to give it a shot, and essentially didn't look back.

After I had been vaping and building coils and had some involvement on Reddit with the community within ECR, a local shop manager sent me a message on Facebook asking if I'd be interested in running his shop.

That was 2 1/2 years ago. We joke about how it feels like either five minutes or five years, but honestly this industry has blown me away with the people, the stories, the fun, and the friends made as a result.

Vapelife and Vapefam forever.


Your boss is the reason I will be cigarette free for 3 years on November 4th. You guys are an awesome group of people and I'm glad you're here!

Great post, been vaping since 2013.
I had tried almost everything to quit cigarettes until i found salvation in electronic cigarettes.
Currently on a Tesla Nano 100W with a Smok TFV4 tank running on 70W with a 0.15 ohm resistance :)

Thank you, and nice setup. How is the temp of the actual vape at that res and watt balance for you?

I'm about to get a TFV8, but I love my drippers so much with hot builds that most tanks are just not hot enough for the vape I like. I currently run a Reuleaux RX200 and Limitless RDA around .2 ohms and 100W.

My other setup is a Noisy Cricket series mod with the Wismec Indestructible RDA around .4.

I'm happy to see a vaper presence here, and I'm looking forward to posting more about it. :)

It's smooth, not to hot :)
I was considering a TFV8 but a mate of mine is complaining about leaking so i'll wait a little till that's sorted out.
Haven't tried any drippers so far but that will most likely be my next step.
Threw in a follow, would love to see more :)

Sadly, I went back to cigarettes after my lil machine went out.. and it has been a 6 months.. need to get back into vaping.

Yes, you do! Sometimes it can be a challenge finding the "right" device for you, and I went between a lot of devices before I found the right one. Sometimes shops will want to sell you the hottest thing or the "coolest" thing--but I would recommend the KangerTech Top Evod with a higher level of nicotine. It won't blow lots of clouds, but you'll get the nicotine you need to kick the stinkies. :) Good luck. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. I've worked in the industry for quite a while, and have seen it work too many times not to believe in you!

are you a vegan too?

For only about 30% of the year. Mostly vegetarian.

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