My 3 Favourite things: PowerHouseCreatives Contest Entry

in #lifestyle5 years ago

This is my entry for the "My Favourite Things" contest for @steemitbloggers and hosted by @zord189.

Well... I had to wander a bit through my house thinking about what my favourite things in my life were... and after a little bit of thought... it was quite obvious what it was going to be! After all, all of them are things that I interact with on a daily basis... so they are so much in my life that I can't really think about how it would be otherwise!


One of the very first things that I interact with every morning is this little machine! We used to have filtered plunger coffee... and then we moved to Bigaletti oven coffee contraptions. We stayed with that for quite some time, but when we moved to our current house... we moved from gas stoves to electric stoves and we've not yet had the time or treasure to renovate the kitchen (it's on the list of things to do...). As anyone that has had experience cooking on electric vs gas will know... electric stoves are a slow pain in the arse (we do plan to get induction when we renovate!). So, the stovetop Bigaletti were OUT!

In it's place was a one touch grind and brew cappuccino machine... Now, it isn't as fancy as a real proper coffee machine... but that sort of quality machine would be wasted on me as I've not the skill to use it to the maximum ability. My sister-in-law is really great with their one... and I would know that I would be just screwing it up! So, a machine that does it all and spits out my morning (and afternoon...) espresso... with which I can froth up some milk to make a cappuccino (and babyccinos for the kids) easily for my wife and myself.

It's a daily event... and one that is ingrained into our morning routine as much as brushing teeth and having a shower!


Second on the list of things that I interact with on a daily basis and has wormed it's way into my list of favourite things is my music. In particular, this violin (which I will sadly never own as it is on semi-permanent loan and not for sale...) ... which is a lovely instrument in decent condition from the 18th century. It looks after me and sings when I need it to... mostly we work pretty well as a team... if it doesn't, it's more often than not my fault for driving it wrong! The bow is an Australian recreation of a long Italian style Baroque bow... I've had it for nearly a decade, and it is something that I love to death! Fast, quick and agile... paired with the violin, they are a great team upon which I base my current career!

Under the violin (in such a compelling photo shoot... this is why I'm a violinist and not a photographer...) are some of my favourite pieces to play... Solo Violin music of Bach and Telemann (beauty and refinement... timeless music!), Italian sonatas from the completely crazy Veracini (who jumped out of windows...), a solo violin sonata by Pisendel (which is a fiendishly difficult piece to play...), personal transcriptions of music for the Viola d'amore (also a favourite instrument...)... and showpieces by Biber (some showy pieces that require re-tuning the violin to different tunings, a technique known as scordatura).


Lastly, I'm a gamer and nerd.... I love my computers and gadgets! But mostly, I just LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE gaming! So, these are my current gaming workhorses. The S4 Mini which I built myself a few years back... a custom case design with stupidly powerful components housed in a casing that is no bigger than a ream of A4 paper! It's a triumph of modern technology and design... but I have to say, next time I will be returning back to a full sized ATX case... it's incredibly fiddly getting all those components in there.. and let's just say the wiring job is an endless work in process...

The other two are my mobile gaming stations the XPS15 and the Switch... The Switch has proven to be great for gaming on the go... surprisingly great ports and original games on hardware that is under-powered but still more than capable. It is a triumph in balancing quality and price, something that Nintendo often hits so well in comparison to the other consoles. The XPS15 is my mobile gaming centre... not quite as powerful as my previous gaming laptop, but more than able to knock over all but the most demanding FPS games. It is the laptop that I take with me to game when I'm on tour.. .and I have time to kill in hotels or before a concert!

So, there you have it... the three favourite things that represent my non-human loves in my life. Coffee (well, that might be more an addiction than a love... but it is so hard to tell the difference!), Music and Gaming! It's weird that it took me so long to realise that the things that are the favourite things in my life are actually the things that are almost invisible to me due to the fact that they are just part of my everyday routine... but I guess that is the truth behind real love and dependence... you wouldn't notice them until they are gone... or there is a @steemitbloggers contest that makes you think a bit...

Just as a little disclaimer... I've not nominated any kids or wives (wife...) as one of my favourite things... not because I don't like them... and not because I don't interact with them on a daily basis... just that I'm not sure that humans fall under the general definition of "things"! Plus, it would make for difficult post as to which order I would list them in....

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This is the best part :

Just as a little disclaimer... I've not nominated any kids or wives (wife...) as one of my favourite things... not because I don't like them... and not because I don't interact with them on a daily basis... just that I'm not sure that humans fall under the general definition of "things"! Plus, it would make for difficult post as to which order I would list them in....

You LITTLE coffee drinking music making game nerd John

I'm not little... Dutch people are too tall!

Ohhhh i didnt mean it mean hahaha

Ha, no I didn't think it was!

I agree that this was the best part!

Just as a little disclaimer... I've not nominated any kids or wives (wife...) as one of my favourite things... not because I don't like them... and not because I don't interact with them on a daily basis... just that I'm not sure that humans fall under the general definition of "things"! Plus, it would make for difficult post as to which order I would list them in...

I agree with you and I find it the truth that you just cannot count them as things. :) I love your list and I could have almost named them for you, minus the coffee. I think we see things in people's post that we recognize as being synonymous with their name.

Have a great day and play me some more violin!!! The sound is heavenly.

!tip .20

Denise and the wives part had me almost drop of the couch @dswigle @bengy

LOL...Suck up!! Bengy, what are you sucking up for? :)

I'm not sure... I think I will find out the price when I least expect it....

I'm not sure... I think
I will find out the price when
I least expect it....

                 - bengy

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Who is Denise?

Haha... I'm that transparent! I guess I we do end up writing a lot about things that we enjoy doing... it does reveal a bit about ourselves! I will have to get around to recording a thing or two... it's hard to find time for!

Beautiful violin!! A sip of coffee, hours playing the strings, and relaxing while playing a game, sounds like a great day to me!

Posted using Partiko Android

If only it always went like that... more often than not, there are other things that get in the way!

In Australia we often talk about what 3 things we would grab if there was a fire coming. These would be quite the handful! We were kinda gifted a Smeg coffee machine and we love it. We would have to grab the 100 year old banjo and my Dads beautiful guitar, but we dont even play! Musical instruments are so beautiful. This one looks understandably a favourite!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah yes... I know that (also Australian...)... generally it would have been the photos... but these days, those things are taken care of via the digital cloud... If it were a fire, I guess I could leave the coffee machine behind!

The coffee machine and the computer are on my list too :)

I think they would be on many people's lists!

I hope you always know to manage them to avoid the dangerous thing happen to your family.

Yes... nothing dangerous from these things...

Find a man's treasure and you find parts of his heart too.

Namaste, JaiChai

ARRRRGH! That sounds gory...

Love this @bengy, and why am I not surprised...although I didn't see your dehydrator anywhere, lol That violin is simply beautiful, It would be wonderful to hear your music :) As for the final paragraph, the best I don't envision your sweet wife and girls as "things" priceless for sure but precious gems would be a better term!

Ha... yes, the dehydrator is more a useful thing at the moment... not quite reaching the point of favourite! The violin had better watch out....

Coffee is one of the best things in life, and now I'm envious of your coffee machine hahaha.

Ha... it was a touch pricy at the time... but it is more than worth it! It's about two years old now... and it sees so much use!

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