RE: The word ME scares me
Hi @del-light!
This blog also resonated deeply with me. I noticed some 'digestive aids' in the blog itself, if you look, I will highlight them here:
"reflect, forgive, and work through parts of myself I rigorously react towards with disdain and disgust."
"we already ARE and have BECOME those parts / aspects of ourselves, and we're either going to live a life of stringently and stressfully doing our utmost to not swallow / process those aspects / parts of ourselves by introspecting it, working through it and forgiving it - - OR we're going to start pulling up our socks and take responsibility for the things about ourselves we truly dislike."
You will notice an element of self-forgiveness, as well as an element of changing self.
There is actually a cool free course that teaches these techniques. I have done this course and it has supported me immensly with facing myself and learning how to forgive and change me. You can find it here:
Let me know if you have any questions!