A Series Of The Lessons I've Learnt from Life..Part D

in #lifelessons6 years ago

This is the fourth piece of my life lesson series. I was supposed to drop this yesterday, but I was unable to due to circumstances beyond my control.
Here are the links to the previous lessons.

Part A, where I talked about relationships and debt

Part B, I talked about Fun been underrated, failure, anger, kindness, age, and grudges.

Part C, where I talked about accepting we are not always right, traveling, the little things and how adversities would pass.

I do hope you find them useful and applicable to your own life.

Image - Flickr CCO(Creative Commons)

So off to today’s lesson…

Risk expands you.

Permit me to say that everything we do as regards our life is a risk. And we all take risks every day, the small ones which we are usually unbothered about and somethings the larger ones which are more defining. That's how we grow. Our growth in life is proportional to the amount of risk we have taken and how we have applied what we learned from them in our life.

Most times we find ourselves in positions requiring a change, the only way to achieve this is by taking thoughtful calculated risks. A certain level of uncertainty must be tolerated, in order to help us grow.

You can't control others.

In as much as we like playing the game of life by our rules and by our standards, we can’t have that. That’s the beauty of life—the diversity of people. Most often we want people to think and behave as we do, to see things from our own perspective. To think like us, cause we feel our way is the right way. We want them to accommodate us and live the way we think they should live. We want to change them.

Eventually, we realize we can't!!!
No matter how hard you try, everybody has their own individual uniqueness and the key to a better relationship is learning to embrace your differences and respect the uniqueness of those in your life.

You can handle it.

Most times we are overwhelmed by our current situation and feel we can't handle that situation. We feel the roof caving in and the walls closing in, but the truth is, whatever you think you can't handle, you actually can.

Inside of you lies more strength, resilience, and inner wisdom than you give yourself credit for. Years of experience and lessons have prepared you for that situation, but you are just focusing too much on the consequences of failing. I’ve learned from life that whenever you feel overwhelmed, reminding yourself of how far you have come, what you have achieved and what you would achieve by completing that task always reminds you of how capable you are.

You'll get through it, and when you think back on how scared you were then, you'll understand that the fear was just a facade.

Gratitude multiplies happiness.

Taking out time to take account of all your successes and be grateful for them blocks out the chances of you sulking over your failures. We always have a lot to be thankful about, we are just concerned about our failures to see all our wins. Gratitude fixes this problem, it makes us to consciously focus on all we have rather than thinking about what we don't have.

Gratitude multiplies our happiness by fostering positivity. A grateful man is a happy man, not because he is always winning, but because he’s always thankful for the big wins and also the small wins hidden in every failure.

Stay tuned for the next part. To my adept follower of this series @antigenx, I look forward to reading your comment and learning from you.



You'll never disappoint me..
Reading from you helps ma lyf alot.

Thanks for the compliment. I am truely flattered and glad that my message has meaning to someone

"In as much as we like playing the game of life by our rules and by our standards, we can’t have that. That’s the beauty of life"

True words bro. I have painfully come to realise this my self

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