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RE: Hyper-Productivity - Waking Up Right

in #lifehack7 years ago (edited)

thanks @cryptoctopus vote

amount of sleep ( also depends whether the sleep was ongoing or I was waking up from time to time)
how I was feeling before going to sleep ( very often it results into the quality of the sleep)
whether my day is planned.

After i wake up, i eat and then hit the gym. Since i am doing this my level of energy has skyrocketed. I no longer need to drink coffe at every hour of the day. I am glad i quit that damn thing.

I have got myself down to a 6 hour sleep schedule over months of training to be able to get enough sleep and focus during my awake hours (sometimes I may nap lol) so I tend to take up rather early around 5 or 530am. I am planing on a morning routine that involves the gym starting Sept, but for now... I wake up, put a pot of water on to boil for coffee, stretch, brush my teeth and do the other morning bathroom stuff, maybe a shower depending on hooow early I awaken. I then make my coffee which I use a french press, I let it sit for about 8 - 10 minutes. Here is where i feel some judge but oh well, its meeee, but I smoke a little bit of MJ to get the creative juices flowing in my mind(I know its a bad habbit, but its almost like a guilty pleasure that I find helps me rather than harms me, mentally that is. I only have the odd drink here or there so its not like im a raging substance user :D) I then pour the coffee, head to my computer desk and start scrolling through crypto news. I then head over to youtube and now Dtube and follow along for an hour or so with a few of my fav. mentors as they talk about many things. next I head to steemit and check all my replies and do a quick scroll through my feed to see if anything pops out quickly. Then I check my trading accounts and see if there are any good looking charts to dabble into for the day. I then head back to Steemit and do a more serious scroll through my feed and interact with the stories i feel are good ones ........ phew.... by then the ol' lady is up and I either head to work or well head for breakfast or something along those lines.....


you just copied the top comment you turd. Flagged with my mighty hammer you are.

That mighty hammer has really done a lot of damage to him, he will regret his action for sure! May this be a lesson to all spammers putting there nose here!

Haha ... it still mind boggles me why people bother plagiarizing or copying/pasting content ... it just never makes sense to me.

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