How about becoming a better person?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


What do we feel about our fellow humans? Do we look at their positive characteristics at all or do we mainly focus on negatives? We can judge others so easily or we can accept and understand what they are going through? We judge so easily! But when we pass through difficult times or when we are making mistakes, we try to hide them because we feel fear… Fear of other people judging us or more badly rejecting us.

Actually the reality is not only one ... Have you ever feel something good for someone and another friend, have a different view about this? Have you ever been asked why is this happening? Even in a photo someone sees the other beautiful and someone else ugly, one sees an angry man and someone else scared. After all how distorted is our reality?

However, most times we focus on peoples negative features ... We all have negative features but we all have possitive ones too! But we do not want to see them. We are afraid if other people are better than us, We don't want that! We fight in our whole life to become the best.Fotolia_46177828_Subscription_Monthly_M.jpg

By all these we can easily understand how we see other people every day ... All our lives are focused on judgment, fear, anger .... What would you say to start seeing the positive side of other people?

You become a better person when you can forgive yourself for your mistakes ... When you can talk to yourself and tell him something like

  • "It does not matter, you did not know but now you learn" ... or
  • "Everything will be fixed, everything will get better"

You become a better person when you respect other people and their opinion, without trying to change it. Listening to every thought carefully. When they finish what they are saying, then you can talk to them about what you would do in such a situation. Many times our view, at that moment, may be the opposite. But the next day, one of the two of you may want to change! Be a better person accept this change easily! You have the right, one day to believe something and the other day something else! Change is our evolution! Otherwise there would be no reason to live! Life exists because there is change!change wordle.jpg

You become a better person when you accept the others for what they are doing now, even if you regret that you did not do much when you were at their own age ... When instead of pushing them to do something now that they can because life is small and they won't have many opportunities.. Ask themYou become a better person when you accept the others for what they are doing now, even if you regret that you did not do much when you were at their own age ... When instead of pushing them to do something now that they can because life is small and they won't have many opportunities.. Ask them

  • "Are you happy with what you are doing now?"

  • "Is it what makes you flood with happiness? Do you feel it in every cell in your body? "

  • "YES, yelling, YES !!!!!CommentPhotos.com_1405453667.jpg

At that moment! Feel with your whole being, their happiness, even if you are opposite to what they want! Focus on their positives! Balance the inside with the outside of you! Talk more about the positive! Search for them! You have focused so much on negatives, you need to look for them to find them ... Even the proper words may need to look for ... You may have forgotten them too! Make the change in order our world begin changing! Only from us it can begin all this!636123036239374332-1975414853_onestepatatime.jpg

And do not forget that you have been born with these healthy features! You forgot, though, why you were filled with fear in your heart ... All you need is to remember them!

I want to thank one good friend of mine, who made me understand all this greatness!

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Great article @zcalemiss!!!
"You become a better person when you can forgive yourself for your mistakes ... When you can talk to yourself and tell him something like
"It does not matter, you did not know but now you learn" ... or
"Everything will be fixed, everything will get better"
It is philisophy of life!!
Φιλοσοφία και στάση ζωής!!

Something i needed to read today! You're right the negative features are the easiest and often the first we see but the positive ones are truly powerful and make real bonds, thanks and have a great week.

You become a better person when you can forgive yourself for your mistakes ... When you can talk to yourself and tell him something like
"It does not matter, you did not know but now you learn" ... or
"Everything will be fixed, everything will get better"

I love this part. Honestly, it's the inspiration behind my blog.

Followed :)

thanks for your comment @riskybiscuit I am glad I have inspired someone today 😁

Yes when i see the word when you can forgive yourself and talk about it, this really make me change so much in past year that i am so much focus on my trading and i do not have the personality to do it and never admit that and finally one day i admit i am wrong and there is nothing wrong to do that and now i feel i am just found a trading way that fit with my personality.

I am happy for you @wikinshui I try to find a trading way that fits my personality too!!

Yes definitely i am not those kind of guy who can make very fast decision when i see losses piling up so that i know i will get screwed in short term trading and so i try to build a longer term view on what i do and putting the chips in different basket, and patient and wait :)

amazing post

thank you my friend 😀I am glad you like it

can you see my articles ?

You become a better person when you respect other people and their opinion, without trying to change it. Listening to every thought carefully. When they finish what they are saying, then you can talk to them about what you would do in such a situation.
Indeed... I agree with you about this, nice advice. My friend. :)

Amazing article buddy, we can change for good, upvoted.

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