Not all marketeers are liars & thieves. Ponzi THIS!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It's true.

There's some professional marketers who are very honest and if you doubt that just visit a traveling carnival.

I met a guy who walked up to me behind a bar in Jackson, Mississippi and said..., "I'm going to get to the point... give me whatever you have in your pocket. Then meet me here tomorrow night and I'll give you more than you gave me."

So I said, "That sounds like a great deal! Here's my 2 dollars and 34-cents!"

What I was doing behind a bar in Jackson, MS.... is not the point.

When someone spends 10-million dollars on an ad-campaign - just to reach you, it's because they don't want your doo-doo to have odor just like theirs doesn't have odor. It's because they love you and they care about you.


Anyway --- So... I showed up in back of the bar the following night... and the man handed me 2-dollars and 35-cents!

I said, "Wow! This is awesome-sauce!"

He said, "Thank you for your trust, honor and dignity." Then he said, "Tell all your friends about me. My name is Gerald- the honest thief."

Then I handed Gerald the 10 dollars I had made cashing-in other people's beer cans.


After that, I went into the bar, bought a 2-dollar draft and tipped the bartender (Gerald's buddy) 35-cents.

Then I went home to tell all my friends, which consists of 1 person and my cat named "Sixpack." My friend and my cat didn't believe me but..., the next night they came along to see what the hell I was talking about.

Gerald walked up to me and handed me 10 dollars and 4 cents!

See!? I told you guys it's for real. It works! It's honest and legalized legal-thievery!

My friend said, "Wow!" and my cat said, "Meow." <---I am a song-writer when I'm not busy marketing.

^^^^That's not really me.... just so you know.^^^^

So I handed Gerald 100 dollars and my friend gave Gerald 20-dollars and my cat is nearly-always broke so he just walked away to find a mouse.

Gerald said I should tell more people about this and share this great news with everyone!

I said, "But this is all the people I know."

And he showed me how to reach more people by using the Inner-web.

Then I went in the bar and bought everyone, including the bartender, a beer with my $10.04.

After that I got in my Vega, hacked into someone's ISP with my flip-phone and started my broad-range marketing campaign.

^^^^That's not really me, either. I'm actually a female named Roberta Browning, but John Disque allows me to use his name (for a %). As for Zero21Mill... I have no clue who that is - no one does.^^^

Anyhow.... The next night I managed to get 4 new people, and my old friend who had invested 20-dollars and we all showed up in back of the bar, but Gerald was late and people started talking....

Finally he arrived and apologized. He said he had been busy working all day. Then he handed me 105 dollars and my old friend 21-dollars!

WOW! See!? I told you guys! Give Gerald your money! His doo-doo don't stink!

Everyone began digging in their pockets and giving it to Gerald, including me - who handed Gerald 400-dollars. Then he took our money and ran back to his rented, red Lamborghini, where he drove away swiftly to go back to work.


We all went into the bar where we all agreed that Gerald is awesome. Gerald is GOD! Gerald is better than deep-friend, chocolate-covered Twinkies!!

When I finally got back in my Vega... I started having a brainstorm.... (ut oh!)

^^^^This is the real me and I love you. ^^^^

I have always been independent and self-employed. I have always wanted financial freedom. I have always wanted to sit on a beach, drink girlie-drinks, drive a Lamborghini and listen to the Grateful Dead while watching dolphins play in the ocean.....

"What if I do what Gerald is doing?"


"Yeah, OK, but," I said to myself....., "Where is Gerald getting all this money to pay-back more to the people giving him money?"

"HE'S MAGIC! It's a magic system! And you - Zero21Mill, aint got you no magic system like Gerald!"


...and... anyway - I'm not a copycat! I am an original! I do things my way! I AM ROBERTA!!!

This story is continued after this fancy line, which you can feel free to steal if you so wish... but.... because I have lawyers that specialize in getting line-thieves prosecuted and in prison, doing hard-time with the pot-smokers and black jay-walkers.... don't get caught! (That's the secret with stealing lines).


The next night.... (The story is now continuing, so pay attention!)... the 4 friends I introduced to Gerald brought with them 5 friends each, plus myself, plus my old friend and her new six friends and their friends... (How many people is that? I don't know either - It's a lot)... showed up behind the bar waiting for Gerald, but he was even later than last night and people started talking.


He finally arrived, apologized again and again and said he was even busier than yesterday. In-fact he was getting so busy that he seemed to be going a bit nutty.

The old investors got their money plus whatever Gerald thought it was worth, the new investors witnessed it, got in smiling and handed him everything they had in their pockets... minus $2.34 for a draft beer and a tip for the bartender.

As for me - I just got my investment out.. plus whatever Gerald decided it was worth. (Ut oh...) Yeah - I know it's not wise to short-sell, but I always wanted to be a trader. You should really just buy-and-hold until the market goes to zero or you die and forget to leave it in a legal, lawyer's will-form...

They all called me a fool and Gerald laughed and said he didn't need my chump-change and I'll be back because, just like all human beings - I was born with the natural thirst for more, for abundance, for wealth, for power and for freedom to kick people in the head when they're down and out.... Then he told everybody to tell their friends and he ran off to his still-running, rented, red Lambo.

Like I said - I had been thinking. I do that sometimes.

The next night, instead of showing up at the usual bar, I got off from my beer-can collecting job and went to another bar. I parked in the back where there were a lot of people (hundreds of them who had brought thousands of their friends). Yeah - thousands of people... and they were carrying signs, talking loudly and smiling.


I don't like crowds... so I pulled my Vega out of there and went in-search for a less-crowded bar.

Problem is: they all seemed to be crowded and I had to drive all the way to the other side of Jackson, MS to find one where only 40-or-so people were there to escape their miserable enslavement of the people they call their bosses.

^^^^Jax, MS^^^^

Once inside my new bar.... a man walked up to me in a t-shirt and a smile. He told me I should come out to the parking lot in the back with him and it was here I noticed his T-shirt said, "Gerald Rocks." Then he reached down on the ground, picked up a sign and handed it to me. It said, "Tell all your friends! Gerald is Jesus!"

I left and headed back to the crowded bar I first visited, but on the way I began to think again... (Ut Oh)...

"If Gerald is paying off with new money... what happens when new people stop showing up at the bar?"

Then I realized that couldn't happen and I saw that more and more people would show up every, single night, as brand new greedy humans are born every, single day.... like an out-of-control machine that won't stop pumping out donuts, which "those with no Steem Power" gobble-up as they enjoy watching rich people live their lives on TV.

"What if Gerald can't keep up with the demand?" Then I realized there were billions of people who would be happy to go to work for him and expand this brilliant enterprise.

"What if the feds shut Gerald down?"

With that thought... I pulled up in the back-parking lot and.... sure-enough Gerald was there and handing out money, while taking more money than he was handing out.

I called the cops and the cops arrived to have chat with Gerald.....

Then the cops started smiling and digging in their pockets for money. As Gerald took it, he told them all to meet him here tomorrow night and bring their friends.... and he again drove off in his beautiful, now-purchased Lambo.

I went in the bar, ordered a beer and sat in a lonely, dark corner to think.


Everyone around me was dancing and laughing and smiling and celebrating their lives and good fortune.

"What if Gerald just quits.... what if he just leaves and goes off to find his own private beach where he can enjoy girlie-drinks and dancing dolphins?"

During certain times in my life (yeah- we're back to me for a minute) I've had what you might consider " a lot of money." Ya know what's fascinating about this stuff?.....

Because it's all relative - "the more you have, the less it seems like you have" and you never, ever, ever, ever have enough. We are genetically programed to want more and when we get more.... the genetic and natural-fire-for-more.... is fueled. Greed is normal and natural.... and the weakest will die screaming in silence.

So - what's wrong with Gerald's plan? Everyone is winning and new suckers keep arriving, with even more new suckers being born everyday... When the bars get too crowded... he can move to arenas and have seminars and rallies. Then on-to stadiums and then to TV, radio, internet and email-spam.

Even if he ran out of human beings and caught up with evolution to rob them at birth... He could then just limit investor's pay-off to 1%, invest the new money in the stock market, make 11% and walk away with 10%.
Their money is now safe and insured and Gerald can offer people loans to enslave them for life at 6% interest.

The Gerald International Bank, "whom the feds and the people adore and protect."

We are all greedy suckers lining up to be apart of "a system." --- Even Gerald himself.

I figure it like this - If Gerald disappears with my money, I can always get it back on Steemit and write a post like this, which will make at-least .14, which I can use to invest in.... I don't know... whatever.


By this time... I was broke again and I was realizing Gerald couldn't lose, so I showed up the next night in the parking lot of the bar, gathered up $2.34 from the floorboard of my Pinto and waited, with the people, for Gerald to arrive so I could hand my money to him.

He made me wait in the back of the line and I was the last to be grateful for his service.

Then he smiled at me and said, "I told you you'd be back," but he wouldn't hold out his hands and take my money.

Then he spoke.

"There's a service charge now and there's a limit you can invest and I have to check your credit, and I need to see your voter-ID and driver's license and social security number and check your criminal record and verify all of it with hackable text-massage codes.... and you also have to sign this form and agree that I'm not responsible for your sucker-hood.

Life his a Ponzi Scheme.
Human existence is a Ponzi Scheme.
Every animal in the jungle and mother nature herself is a Ponzi Scheme.
God and religion are Ponzi Schemes.
The Solar system is a Ponzi Scheme.

And none of {{{{{{{{{{IT}}}}}}}}}} can exist without you - my fellow Steemit reader.


Brand New Original Work, published here, unedited.. as you can probably tell...

by your flaky buddy,
I love coffee, and cats, and potato skins, dogs, truth, writing, sharing, learning, money, freedom, sex, love, passion, gin, beer, friends, family, beaches, cocktail lounges, photography, pool, poker... and lots of other stuff too.
Upvote me and together we'll be free!

John M Disque (Zero 2 1 Million)



PS (One more thingy, which is the whole reason I took all this time to share this story with you)...

If you have a brain that even occasionally works...... the only REAL difference between you and a multi-billionaire who's sitting on the beach drinking girlie-drinks and watching the beautiful dolphins play is: Your poo stinks. Unstink it.


Lol life is truly a ponzi and like all ponzis am sure Gerald would stop coming one day

And maybe if you referenced your images you would make more than the .14 you are hoping for

Anyways you write good keep up the work and I know Gerald is not real his he?

Thank you for the tip.

Gerald is almost too real.

PEACE and massive wealth, and good health... to you.. Scooby-doo.

I got a kick out of this story!!! hahahah thanks for sharing

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your day.

such a good story

Hahaha! Bevis rocks!

Oh yes I can! I have power! Steem POWER!

You can take me, but you will never take my bunghole, Hm heh.... For I am the Great Cornholio Hm heh I have no bunghole, hm heh...

My upvotes are not worth much, like 0 to be exact, but I love sharing your stuff. Going to recommend you to the Map project. I am in Map22 right now and will share the link with you in a sec

this is the link to the current post

it gives info how to join - and of course, you can voe for me if you like :)

Hey thanks!
My upvotes aren't worth much either but.... - they're better than nothing.... sort of.


:) For sure!! shows appreciation :)

Hahaa!! it took me two days to read this... (yup, I read few paragraphs at the time) and it was fun... I can understand the feeling of both sides in this~

Actually I hate lying more than Ponzi... I don't care when someone joins a website that takes money from new people to pay the old ones... If they were open about it!!...

The thing is, most of them are just "wrong"... they make themselves seem legitimate.. they make themselves seem investors who gain a lot and just need more money to gain more... they claim they are respected companies..

No, Just... NO.

Well said.

Thanks for taking the time to read it and comment.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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