Playing around with the "Law of Attraction" - I got a new car!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

If you've read the book or seen the documentary 'The Secret' or read the follow up book ‘The Power’, you'll know what i'm talking about. If you haven't, firstly i would DEFINITELY recommend taking the time to read or watch it, but if you're here for the bants and want a quick overview, here is what it entails.

Basically the Law of Attraction states that we, as conscious beings, are like magnets. We attract anything and everything. So much so we can literally pick and choose what we want to receive in life. If you want money, love, health, anything - you can have it. All you have to do is ask for it, with love and gratitude. It works through positive visualisation, strong positive feelings and consistent gratitude. Theres is a bit more to it if you want to really understand the process, but i wont delve too deep into it for now!

As a previous sceptic myself i would have put all the things i'm about to tell you down to pure coincidence. However, there reaches a point where the almost impossible becomes possible, when you see it happen with your own eyes and you feel it in your gut. You know theres something bigger going on in the universe!

So what have i asked for over the last 3 weeks? Lots. I made my plans. Some small, some massive. I wrote the big ones down and already im starting to see small changes - but they are big and i accept they may take some time to fully manifest. However, i built up quite a bit of momentum, and some of the smaller things i ask for have already manifested (Parking spaces, food at work, traffic lights)! Here is a great example of something i asked for i (previously) would never have believed id get.

  • A new car

I’ve never been fussed about the quality of a car - as long as it gets me from A to B (most of the time) id be happy with it. Ive never spent more than $1200 on one and i currently drive a 1993 $600 toyota corolla. So when i noticed in the book they actually use a car as an example of what to ask the universe for, and i thought why not, il give it a go. Realistically, the only way i could see this happening was if i won a raffle, or if i was stopped on the street by a tv show with the car as a prize, since i have nowhere near enough money to buy a new one. Regardless, i set out with a positive mindset!

For a few days i woke up, spent a few minutes visualising myself in a beautiful new car. I imagined the feeling of comfortable leather seats, the smell of a clean new car, the feeling of not having to worry about breaking down. I even put my hands out and imagined they were on the steering wheel as i did all this! About a week passed and i was on a high, stoked on life, feeling great and even more grateful. The momentum was building. Then as i went out one afternoon to grab a desk for my room, out of nowhere it happened!!

I was in a car accident.

(The 2 strongest parts of the cars hit each other at full impact, leaving my back axel buckled and tyre ripped off)

Just as i was turning into a driveway a lady smashed straight into the back of me. Thankfully neither driver was seriously injured, but the cars were both write offs. When we spoke on the side of the road she was a bit emotional, i think because she wasn’t sure if her car was insured or not because it was only recently bought. I know mine isn’t. Throughout this, all i was thinking was how grateful i was both of us were ok, and that i could walk away from my car. I said to her everything was going to be ok and gave her a hug. I could see the worry and the panic on her face and it upset me. Ive felt that panic and worry in myself before in different circumstances and i wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I wanted her to be grateful too and to not worry about my car, i even thought if she wasn’t insured, id just let it slide so she wouldn’t have to pay me anything. Eventually the tow trucks came and after exchanging details we both went our seperate ways.

That evening i sent her a message.

A few days later i get a call from the ladies partner. Turns out she was insured but only 3rd party. She had already set up a claim and told me i needed to ring the insurance company. I spoke to a delightful lady on the phone who took all my details and told me they would assess my car over the next 10 days. Just when i thought our conversation was coming to a close she said “Would you like a hire car covered and paid for by us in the mean time (apparently GIO are one of the only insurers whos covers hire car rental)?”. Sure! She put me on hold and 2 minutes later gave me the address of a rental car company to go and pick it up. I was in Sydney at the time, and the address was right next to the train station which i would be getting off at.

So i get back, head on over, sign a few forms and sure enough…

There was a brand new car waiting for me!

Of course i have to give it back in 14 days. Regardless i am still so so grateful for it and even more grateful that neither of us were injured, and I’m still waiting for the insurance company contact me about a further payout for mine.

Some may say that i might be clutching at straws here, and that i don’t even get to keep the car permanently. True. But maybe everything is temporary, and nothing is permanent anyway, so thats something we can already agree on :)

I hope you can find the time to read and understand the law of attraction! Whether you think it works or not, if it keeps your mind in a positive perspective you’re already one step ahead in the game!

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day!


It works. And you seem to have got it right. The spoiler though is the logic that creeps in with left brainers since believing that the desired object has already manifested is integral for LOA to work. For those with right brain predominance, it is a lot easier where faith predominates logic.

I wonder if its something to do with the society we are raised in? Imagine if as children we had no guidance and let our imaginations pave the way for us in life?!

The thing with asking for things through Visualization and the other techniques represented in "The Secret", is that it has to be asked with precision. And the more precise and specific you are about what you request, the easier and faster it will manifest for you.
In your instance, you got your new car, just as you asked for. But you never specified (or so it seems) that it would be your car from now on. That it will be fully yours, and yours alone. So you got what you asked for, even tho it was temporary.

Any way, I love reading these manifestation experiences. It surely helps me with my own faith in these techniques. And yours is highly detailed, high quality post. Just perfect.

Also, you can give Neville Goddard teachings a go. I find them clearer and more straight to the point than The Secret. You could start here: Consciousness Is the Only Reality if interested.

Thanks a lot for sharing this story with us friend @YouAreYourOwnGod! It surely helps everyone of us to switch from a materialistic perspective on life to a Spiritual Perspective on Life.

Thank you @cipriang, its great to find so many similar minded people such as yourself on the steemit community. I cant wait to listen to the Neville Goddard books later on in the week - thank you for the recommendation! :)

Great post, just keep on going!

Thanks very much, ive enjoyed some of your posts too and following you now :)

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