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RE: There Is No Effort Without Error

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I had a very similar experience when trying to talk to my father about crypto and blockchain. He is a blue collar guy who owned his own painting/remodeling buisness for 20+ years who, I'm sure you can imagine, was pretty hesitant to say the least, at the whole discussion.

I took it as a learning experience and came up with an awesome idea. I am a hairstylist, so I get the opportunity to talk with very unique and diverse people. It's a good chance to learn different views on Crypto and Blockchain by casually bringing it up in conversation with all my clients one day. It was really interesting hearing all different opinions and extremely informative turns out.

My last client of the day ended up being an auther of over 23 books on Cybersecurity who was very knowledgeable about both Crypto and Blockchain. I was beyond stoked. Talking with him for half an hour was hands down, one of the best conversations I have ever had on this topic or any topic for that matter.

If it had not been for that awkward, not so easy conversation with my Dad, I probably wouldn't have had the nerve to bring it up to this random client. I'm telling you, my eyes lit up when this man told me what he did for a living!! It was the coolest experience. I hope you get another opportunity to talk about it again with someone who can expand your horizon and stretch your views even wider (clearly not needed though). You can never have too much knowledge because knowledge is power.


@yoitsme thanks for the share, really awesome insights. yea am always down for awkward conversations. But it's very cool when you talk to different people, on how sometimes it's just how someone words something or uses the right metaphor and it just clicks, I love those moments =D

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