There Is No Effort Without Error

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Have you ever tried to explain blockchain and cryptocurrencies, to anyone IRL? This past weekend I was on a road trip with my Dad and Uncle.

I love being on the road, being in a car for 12 hours can be hell to most people. But I love it, but you have to come prepared of course. My essential road trip kit is, notebook, pen, playlist, podcasts, random select of my favorite albums, 2 books, caffeine drinks and snacks.

On this road trip the podcast I was packing where Douglas Rushkoff's Team Human, A cross section of Vox's podcasts, and then Unchained.

As we got deep into the trip, We all started to talk about everything under the sun. And something lately that has occupied my mind, is crypto and trading and seeing if I can Leverage my Steem into other assets, so I can fund some of my wilder creative dreams?

As I tried to explain to my Dad about blockchain, crypto and everything am trying to do, I can't help but feel a lil odd. I know I have always been the black sheep in the family. Oh Daniel this Pot Smoking, Psychedelic Weirdo, or maybe it's just me projecting.

Things haven't always been good with my Dad, but things after a lot of work have been good. We get along pretty good and we talk about all sorts of life stuff. Its great, but as I was trying to explain crypto I got this same feeling, when I first talked to my parents about psychedelics, or when I go into my I don't really think Jesus actually existed bit.

But I learned a lot since the mistakes of my psychedelic youth confessions, I just learned to get over myself and just let it all hang out and be ok with not being understood or taken serious, or looked down upon. Its ok, if I am honest it's nothing I haven't already told and thought about my self already...

To get your mind right, learn so see yourself truthfully


The blockchain revolution is coming like a tsunami that will remake every aspect of society but most folks don’t see it yet. That’s because their true impact is still to come. People often struggle to understand breakthrough technologies because they have no frame of reference for it. (Shit if I can see it either!)

To this day, even many of the brilliant people look at Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as (and me on Bad Days):

  • a Ponzi scheme
  • digital voodoo
  • a tulip craze
  • an evil plot by Libertarians to take over the world
  • a drug dealer currency

As I try to make sense of a messy, chaotic and weird world. I always have to relearn lessons.

That the most basic truths in life sound absurd or ridiculous. But they're still the truth. If you write down a great truth, it doesn't matter because truth must be earned by each individual. It can't be bought or cheated or even learned without personal dedication and hard work.

Humans are fear driven animals. We constantly imagine terrible tragedies in order to try to react ahead of them. But the problem is that you spend your whole life reacting to imaginary events instead of the one real one. That is the path to suffering and pain.

Tragedies will come eventually. Deal with them than and not a second before that time.

There is a classic saying in GO, "To learn GO, first lose 100 games fast". This a simple truth of life in general. And something that I always have to relearn again and again.

The markets (and Life for that matter) are really nothing but the shared hallucination of our collective unconscious, the projection of our hopes, dreams and fears.

The key to breaking through in your trading is to understand market cycles

The Market cycle is a large fractal of each individual asset which goes through this very same cycle at different times. You can capture the cycle of individual assets consistently.

You find again and again, if you take the time to understand and master any skill is that simple is better. You also realize that what you thought was too simple to be the truth is actually all there is to it.

That people who achieved great success in life mastered a few fundamental and universal truths better than anyone else.

The truth is that which cannot be simpler.


Everything has its beauty. but not everyone sees it.

The only thing that really matters, is having fun and enjoying your loved ones. Nothing else matters. Life, Reality and Death comes for us all. One day everything will be washed away, and love is the only thing that will remain.

These are just a few of the things that am trying to sink into my being, but I will leave with this my dear reader,

An amazing quote by the great Teddy Roosevelt (let it be your guide to trading and to life):

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”


I had a very similar experience when trying to talk to my father about crypto and blockchain. He is a blue collar guy who owned his own painting/remodeling buisness for 20+ years who, I'm sure you can imagine, was pretty hesitant to say the least, at the whole discussion.

I took it as a learning experience and came up with an awesome idea. I am a hairstylist, so I get the opportunity to talk with very unique and diverse people. It's a good chance to learn different views on Crypto and Blockchain by casually bringing it up in conversation with all my clients one day. It was really interesting hearing all different opinions and extremely informative turns out.

My last client of the day ended up being an auther of over 23 books on Cybersecurity who was very knowledgeable about both Crypto and Blockchain. I was beyond stoked. Talking with him for half an hour was hands down, one of the best conversations I have ever had on this topic or any topic for that matter.

If it had not been for that awkward, not so easy conversation with my Dad, I probably wouldn't have had the nerve to bring it up to this random client. I'm telling you, my eyes lit up when this man told me what he did for a living!! It was the coolest experience. I hope you get another opportunity to talk about it again with someone who can expand your horizon and stretch your views even wider (clearly not needed though). You can never have too much knowledge because knowledge is power.

@yoitsme thanks for the share, really awesome insights. yea am always down for awkward conversations. But it's very cool when you talk to different people, on how sometimes it's just how someone words something or uses the right metaphor and it just clicks, I love those moments =D

I like your writing! And your thinking :)

Thanks! I been digging your post lately as well, nice to have a new steemit friend =D

Ah thanks!! Yes definitely :) let's support each other

yes that's what it all about!

Great piece, Daniel. Get the feel right and it is hard to go wrong:) Namaste:0

Thanks! Yea that feel, natural flow of things, the Tao. but my silly minds likes to say all sorts of strange things =D

Oh you have no idea how silly I am ...

nice I really enjoyed that!

I love the perspective you raise

thank you @merryslamb!

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