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RE: Accepting What I Can Cannot Change

in #life6 years ago (edited)

In fact, yes... You truly should just cultivate your own garden. It was a terrible day when I realized that despite my dogged insistence on trying to embody the Beatitudes, you just can't save them all. Worse yet, not only do some of them not -want- to be saved.. but some of them don't -deserve- to be saved. It's not my job, nor my place, to go around saving people... or the world, for that matter.

And that is a tremendously liberating knowledge. My job, and my -only- job, is to cultivate my own garden. Period. Such is the Golden Road... but here's the trick, the thing I was speaking of the other day. You will eventually start to see others that have this understanding.. others who cultivate their own garden. And they fucking rock!

I used to be a part of a (very loosely defined) coven... you know the sort.. lots of needy people who 'help each other' maintain their neediness. They not only refuse to grow, they sabotage each other's growth. This sort of herd thinking pervades the human species, unfortunately... It is the lack of want that causes this. In a world where people are so used to slapping down a few $$$ and getting their desires met instantly... They have forgotten their place. They blame others (those victims who you spake of) for their victimhood.. distracting themselves with the Law of Attraction or some other such nonsense... and it's all bullshit, and a lie, and they know it.. but it's just so much easier to go along with the Lie, rather than face the ugly truth that they have been a part of that deception... So yes.. a "love and light" fluffy-bunny coven of fools...

Now I am part of a Cabal.. an association of fully independent (and pretty goddamn thorny) witches who gather for the purpose of celebrating their independence. We do, on occasion, support each other.. but for the most part, "if you can't take the heat, stay out of the goddamned kitchen!" We have cajones, we have attitude, and we ain't afraid to take our lumps... which is as it should be.

Humans were not meant to be herd animals... Those who choose to be... well, whatever. Good for them.

Freedom and Safety do not mix... like oil and water in a salad dressing... It's good to have a bunch of both, but ultimately, your path to Glory is going to mean refusing to MAKE excuses for yourself.. or for others. That's why so many people fear those who take the devil's hand and Walk with Her... Cause they don't accept bullshit, do not suffer fools, and generally carry out lives of quiet, humble Domination. We -own- our gardens, and we tend them... and we are not alone.

It's very hard to let go of hope for others... and accept your own Glory. But as you already know... it is SO WORTH IT.

Have a good evening, honey. You're doing fine. ]=)


lots of needy people who 'help each other' maintain their neediness. They not only refuse to grow, they sabotage each other's growth. This sort of herd thinking pervades the human species

Really sounds familiar to me. I'm away from this type of people and I've never been happier.

lol LOA is such a gimmick, another one of those big profit businesses.

Freedom and Safety do not mix

So true. I hope to find those free humans too.

Thank you for the kind words. Stay free!

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