
It gets real around here a lot! I've had everything from turkeys, goats, horses, and now a moose try to get in our house or the neighbor's. Definitely never boring! Thanks for the comment! :)

I feed the critters off my back patio... The largest thing that's tried to enter my home was a fat squirrel... I resolved to make her a "house" which I placed on the patio. And a few months ago a bird flew in and flew right back out.

Oh squirrels, now there is an interesting creature to be sure. That bird is lucky to be still existing after flying into her "house"! We have far too many cats for rodent control around the farm to have squirrels in close proximity to the house, but they do like to scream screechy insults at us as we walk through our woods. Your critters are lucky to have you:)

I know of those insults! They come with swishing tails!

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