
The media tells you what they're paid to tell you.

The truth they do tell you is often soft-disclosure. Or when some news tells you about some of the riots because without a doubt, you'll hear about it on the internet and then you're gonna raise a stink about why no one in the media was talking about it.

By the way, sorry if my last comment was over the top. It's just a small bit of the insanity going on here in the States. And it was actually quite fun to write.

Lol! Yeh, I wasn't exactly sure what to do with that xD Our politics is different, not better, just different...

I just think it's really really important for people in other countries know what's going on over here. The news other countries get is mostly the news the media wants them to get.

They're hiding so much of what's happening here even from us citizens. So I know the lack of information outside of the country has to be even worse.

I have never been more terrified in my life to be an American. I never felt untouchable, I never felt overly secure. But I wasn't terrified like this.

It's a really scary time over here. The government is locking down our freedoms and our money (including cash and cryptocurrency) as tightly as they can. They're making it illegal to live completely self-sustained lives.

It's illegal to live in an RV full time.

You know the tiny house craze sweeping the globe right now? The tiny houses that are usually built on trailers so you can haul them around the country/world? That is illegal here.

The government is forcing us to rely on them and they aren't even trying to make it look like they aren't anymore. They're just outright and blatantly doing these things now. And nothing seems capable of stopping it.

I'm sure that in another couple years, homesteading will outright be illegal. It's already illegal to collect rainwater for any purpose. (It has been for a long time, actually.)

People outside of the US desperately need to know these things. Why? Because the same thing is gonna start happening to them, and they need to know. The US is just the beginning.

Scary shit dawg. I guess it was only a matter of time before the ones with power decided to want more.

My guess is that it's not actually a recent thing. That this has been being planned for a very long time. It's just finally being executed.

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