Detonating bombs near residential areas? WTF?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday, around 11 am, there was a huge explosion like I have never heard in my country. Without any warning, the blast seemed to come from the sky and rocked the roof of my house hard enough to get me worried about its sturdiness. In a small island country like mine, with oil and given the state of the world right now, I was certain we were under attack!

Thankfully, that was not the case. However, the reality is not much better I don't think. The explosion was caused by the military division of my country, detonating 'old explosives'. I suppose that's fine, but what isn't fine is where they decided to do so. They choose a location that was close enough to residential areas to cause a lot of panic in the residents.

The red circle shows the area of the blast, as you can see, it's pretty close to residential areas.

I don't think any government should show this much disregard for its citizens. That blast was totally uncool and many people are still shaken. Granted, there was a press release, explaining the blast, this only made me more suspicious. There should have been a warning issued before the explosion not after, if they were simply, "getting rid of old stock"

They also stated that they "Did not expect the blast to be so big" Like wtf? Are these the capable hands that I entrust heavy weaponry purchased with my taxed dollars to? They didn't know that blast would be that big, like wow. What a fucking retarded excuse. Makes me even more suspicious that shit was going down. The army should have experts on this shit, not a bunch of blundering noobs. Jeeze, I sure feel safe now.

The fact that a report was hurriedly prepared only after the blast makes me wonder if it was under their control at all, or if it was the result of poor handling of sensitive shit, by poorly trained personnel. Or even worse, what if there was an attack and our army had to retaliate? I mean, that's a far-fetched idea, but it's not unlikely. The fact that we were not warned beforehand makes me wonder.

It really sucks when the government of your country doesn't care about the citizens and this goes not only for my country. There are many countries around the world where the leaders simply don't care enough about the populace to conduct itself in an acceptable manner. Instead, what we see is that as soon as a government acquires power, they simply forget all the promises made during election campaigns and set about taking care of their own needs.

The blast yesterday may have been a new thing for many Trinis, but it's not the first violation of our rights and it probably won't be the last. I'm fed up of shit happening and then simply having to accept the half arsed explanation delivered by our leaders after. Like a child being told to go to bed at 8 otherwise, their eyes would fall off and the boogeyman will come and eat them.

It just sucks to feel powerless, disrespected and unacknowledged. I pray for the day I could live in a world where my governments will explain things to me and I wouldn't have to wonder if they just pulling shit out their asses. I wish for a leader that has real solutions that actually improve life for us all and not just their family and themselves.

I wish for a government I can trust, though, I suppose being honest in politics could hinder your chances of success. Lovely world we live in...

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!!


"Detonating old explosives" is usually code for "detonating old land mines" or other various explosives that were already there. Such as, put there by someone else. Military also likes to say that when they're exploding a suspicious package and it turns out to ACTUALLY be a bomb. If it's not a bomb, you hear that they blew up a suspicious package but it turned out to be harmless.

They don't want you to know the times that it turned out that it wasn't harmless. It makes them look really bad that it was able to be placed there in the first place.

It could also be something else entirely that they just don't want other people to know. This house has been rocked by many a meth lab explosion in the next town over.

Odds are that it's a cover up of something worse that'll make the public panic a lot more than they are now.

That's my thoughts exactly. We have no national enemies, the only reason we would have bombs is to be used on the population...

Governments love to use bombs on their own populations.

But, like you said, you have oil there. Which means you absolutely do have enemies.

Syria is being intentionally destabilized because the US and UK want to build a pipeline through it. The war there was completely manufactured for the purpose of destabilizing it so everyone can go in like they did in Iraq and do what they want.

Jah, we always think we're blessed as a country, that could change so quickly. Boom, new world order...

Oh, the NWO is coming. They're just targeting certain other countries first. Things are falling apart here in the States. It's getting bad.

Some would have us believe it's never been better ;)

Oh yeah, with AntiFa running around beating the shit out of people and destroying property in the name of being anti-fascist. (They're much more violent than the fascists are!) And BLM and BAMN rioters as well.

Oh, and let's not forget all the violent anti-Trump protesters that still gather and do the same things as AntiFa and BLM and BAMN do.

We have highways mysteriously burning down and collapsing and the story we're being told about how it happened is impossible and all sorts of other crazy shit.

Yep! Things are fanfuckingtastic over here in the States! If you pay no mind to the rioters. And the government passing laws that force us to declare how much cash we have, and forcing us to declare our cryptocurrencies and if we don't it's not a fine, oh no, they take every single thing you possess (that includes land) and a mandatory prison sentence.

Oh, and our government has now made it illegal to live off-grid. As in, you can't have a home with electricity that is entirely self-sufficient. It must be connected to the national power grid. Or else! (Which will also carry not a fee, but a mandatory prison sentence.. And probably seizing everything you own.)

This great great land, where the government somehow thinks that the cure to poor people not having access to medical care because they can't afford it is to mandate that poor people have to pay for health insurance. Because apparently health insurance equals the exact same thing as medical care? (When you have health insurance, you have to pay for the insurance AND medical care. And if you're pretty healthy and you don't want to pay for health insurance, that should be your decision!)

If the poor people that can't afford health insurance don't pay for that health insurance they can't afford? They get fined a large sum of money that they still can't afford that sets them back so much that they can't get health insurance during at least part of the following year which allows them to fine you again and even more money because not having health insurance for even a month or two in any given year allows them to fine you. And the fines go up every year.

Oh hell yeah! America is an awesome place! Land of the free! Better than it's ever been! Can you hear the screaming eagles flying overhead?


Damn, I guess the media doesn't tell you everything.

The only good leader is a reluctant leader @yakuhi! I'm glad everything is ok for you my friend! I can definitely understand your anger! :)

Our leaders are damn well confident lol.

Be your own leader! :)

Long time ;)

that's scare, hope things are well now!

I'm the winner of the "I'm not going to upvote you 🐋 Do it yourself! #9 Contest"
Just gave a whale vote courtesy @htooms's for your efforts (Check out his blog)! thanks and keep up the great work @jznsamuel!

Sweet, thanks a lot, man!

It all roam around oil and natural resources

I hope its not the case here ;)

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