Can You Feel That When You Practice Self-Control?

in #life3 years ago

To be able to practice self-control, you have to first realize what it is. Self-control, according to Halliday in his psychological classic "pects," is the ability to control or override your own feelings or impulses. When you are in a situation that makes you feel anxious or frustrated, your "ego" rebel and tries to get in control. This usually does not work because, in fact, it sets up a vicious cycle in which you become even more anxious in the future. However, if you practice self-control in the situations in which you are in control, then you will be able to feel much calmer and more in control of the outcome of your responses to the situations.

When you are trying to take control of a difficult situation, the best way to do it is to ignore your negative emotions. Although it may not seem like it at the time, this is a crucial step toward self-control. Insecure people who experience negative emotions easily shoot themselves in the foot by immediately responding to their feelings. Instead of feeling defensive, you should redirect your energy onto something more constructive. For example, when you feel yourself getting frustrated say something like, "I am going to count to ten, then I will stop worrying and focus on counting backwards from ten. Once I reach five I will stop and I will feel relaxed and in control of the situation."

This may sound simple, but in fact it is not that easy. When you respond to a stressful situation with anger, you are only temporarily changing your state of mind. In order to change your state of mind, you must change your behavior. If you want to practice self-control, you will have to learn how to respond to your emotions in a different manner. For example, instead of reacting to a difficult situation as if it were a major disaster, you will have to respond with patience and understanding. Instead of becoming upset with yourself, think about the situation and what you can do to make it easier to resolve.

How can you feel that when you practice self-control when you are in a difficult situation? There are several ways to look at this question. The first way to look at it is to look at the situation as a challenge or obstacle. You can use the challenge to get more in control, as it shows that you are in control of yourself and that you are working towards a specific goal. Another way to look at it is to see it as a test, a kind of psychological struggle, where you are trying to win a prize.

The last way to look at this situation is to view it as a chance to gain some experience or wisdom. If the situation is ones that you have never been through before, then this is the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and experience. If it is something that you have always struggled with, then this is the chance to develop skills and learn new strategies. This is how you can gain self-control over your situation, regardless of whether it is a difficult one or not. It is an opportunity to become better in controlling your own behavior.

So how do you feel when you practice self-control in a situation? Usually when I ask people this question, they respond with a silent treatment or non-verbal communication. They either try to hide their discomfort or they try to convince themselves that it is not as bad as it looks or sounds. In many cases, people will just try to rationalize away the problem by saying things like, "It's not as bad as it looks," or "Look at all those people that don't practice self-control, they are horrible people."

These statements only serve to reinforce the problem. They justify the behavior that is displayed. When you practice self-control in any situation, instead of just hiding or rationalizing away the problem, tell yourself that it is okay. Tell yourself that you are working towards being a more rational and stable person. This may sound too simplistic, but it is absolutely true - the more you believe it, the more you will practice it.

The truth is, when you feel that you can control yourself in any given situation, you will. You will become better at controlling yourself and you will feel much more confident about yourself. This confidence will spill over into other areas of your life - you will feel better about your relationships, work relationships, and everything else. Practice self-control for your own well being today!

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