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RE: The Dark Side of Food Allergies: What no one will talk about

in #life8 years ago

I too suffered with food allergies, causing digestive issues, inability to regulate temperature, stiff muscles & joints, anxiety & depression... But over time I gradually eliminated ALL processed foods, anything with artificial or modified ingredients, MSG, GMOs, you know the list... and I can honestly say now I am symptom-free. No more allergies to certain natural foods that my body used to react to e.g. tomatoes, onions, because my gut has healed itself over time and now I eat 100% natural and whole foods. It's been an interesting journey for me, and hope you too can be symptom free one day. All the best :-)


Sorry to hear about all your symptoms... sounds like food allergies hit you pretty hard as well. That sounds sort of like the "Whole 30" diet. I'd be willing to give it a shot if it could provide healing! Currently, sugar rarely enters my diet and whenever I buy food, it's non-GMO and organic (unless no other option is available). About a year ago, I tried doing a leaky gut rotation diet for about 90 days, which may have helped, but only slightly if it did.

How long did it take before you started noticing relief? And how were you able to reintroduce those foods that once caused symptoms?

Yeah, I was completely miserable for about 13 years, feeling ill ALL the time... I was in physical pain & mentally could barely think straight. I was diagnosed with IBS at 17, and fibromayalgia at 26. I really thought I was doomed to feel ill for the rest of my days.

Leaky gut, as you probably know, is where the intestinal lining becomes more porous, allowing toxins to flow into our bloodstreams. This shouldn't happen in a healthy body. It is caused by harmful unnatural ingredients. Our digestive systems simply can't handle these toxins, can't eliminate many of them, and they build up eventually causing immune dysfunction... So we get ill, and stay ill.

Only by cutting out ALL harmful toxins is our body able to heal. They can only recognise and process natutal food. I used to find onions & tomatoes aggravated my digestive system because my gut was already harmed by toxins, but now I can eat them no problem.

Within about 6 months of all-natural diet I no longer had IBS symptoms. After about a year my fibromayalgia symptoms were gone. My eating habits are permanently changed, and I eat only organic natural foods, mainly wholgrains, legumes, veg, fruit, seeds, lean proteins, 'good' fats... I distill tap water for drinking, collect rain water for hot drinks & cooking, and use only natural ingredients on my skin & hair. I don't consume much dairy, due to the processes behind dairy produce. Processes can be just as harmful as ingrdients. I don't follow a 'diet' as such, unless this is called the natural diet! As long as we put the good things into our bodies, we should get good health in return. Sorry this is a long reply, I hope to be of help :-)

That's terrible, I'm sorry you had to go through that for so long.

First, I absolutely appreciate the long reply! It's all very reassuring and helpful. I'll have to give your method a try and be more aggressive with the plant-based approach. If anything, it's probably the corn that's still left in my diet. There's one thing I truly miss since going gluten-free and vegan... the texture of "crunchy"!! So I try and get that through corn chips. Unfortunately, corn is one of the biggest GMO crops in the world, even organic isn't always safe.

Interesting that you collect rain water. May I ask where you live that that's possible?

Also, I'd love to continue the conversation on Steemit Chat if you're interested. 😄

Great idea, I have loads to say on this subject! I've just this moment joined up to Steemit Chat, but not sure how to find people... How do I find you to chat? I can't do it right now though, my bed is calling now my baby is sleeping. But great conversation, thank you! Will be back tomorrow :-)

@woman-onthe-wing, I messaged you on Steemit chat! If you didn't get it, feel free to direct message me by searching my username @sharingeverybite. :)

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