Bad Work Commute ~ Alicia Gomez

in #life7 years ago (edited)

work commute.jpg

This homeless guy, well he looks homeless, sits down next to me with a brown-bagged bottle of Thunderbird and just starts talking to me. I’m riding to work on the 19 Stockton.

“You know,” he goes, “I like it when a girl’s not completely naked, but she’s just got her top dropped down from her shoulder givin’ me a peek at that soft skin. Yeah, that makes me hot.”

I seem to attract the weirdest people on the bus.

“Yeah,” he starts again. “I used to play for the New York Giants back in the day. Back in the Otis Anderson, Lawrence Taylor, Phil Simms day. Know who I mean... Right?”

I shake my head, “No.”

“Yeah, and you know that guy Phil... Somethin’..., that co-founder of Nike,” he abruptly changes topic. “He’s the biggest bum. Just like me, he’s a bum.”

We’re sitting on one of those long bench seats that face the passengers on the other side of the bus. Some kids get on at one stop and a girl, about ten years old or so, sits down directly in front of us.

“Oh yeah man, I wanna fuck that little girl!” he’s getting worked up.

“YOU CAN’T SAY THAT...! YOU CAN’T SAY THAT!” I come back furious.

He ignores me, takes a sip of his wine, and keeps ogling the girl.

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