The Most Awkward First Day

in #life6 years ago

As I pulled into the parking lot I felt a slight surge of nerves, it was my first day at a new job.  Kerry, the CEO asked me to arrive around 8:30 AM, and it was 8:20.  I stalled for a few minutes, checked my reflection in the car mirror, took a deep breath and headed into the office.

The building was new and so far undecorated, there were some boxes stacked in the hallway.  As I opened the door I expected the receptionist to greet me, but she was steadily typing and didn't look up as I approached the desk.  With her eyes still focused on her task in a tired voice she asked if she could help me.

I told her my name, and that I was a new employee, and that Kerry told me to ask for him.  I glanced around seeking someone I recognized, noticed the receptionist's name plate said Sue in cheerful letters, a contrast to the face that was now staring at me as if she didn't like what she saw.  She didn't just look puzzled she looked annoyed.  There was a windowed office in my line of sight where I noticed a pretty, dark haired lady watching the exchange with interest.  She caught my eye and nodded, but didn't look away.  Sue was still staring at me as she tersely stated that Kerry wasn't in yet and that she had no idea they were expecting a new employee.  A mini standoff ensued as neither of us knew exactly what to do.  After staring at me for what felt like a long time, Sue sighed and picked up the phone, I heard it ring in another windowed office just a few feet away from where I was standing.  

"This is Greg", his voice answered.  

It struck me as a little of funny, because she obviously knew who she was calling and the entire exchange didn't require a phone at all, Sue could have just raised her voice and said, "Hey Greg".  lol

I continued to look around as Sue informed Greg that there was a stranger in the building who thought she would be starting a job, in a hushed tone she informed Greg that she didn't even know we were hiring.  It nearly made me laugh out loud, when she broke into a husky whisper to mention this, while sitting less than a foot away from me.  I fought off the urge to say, "I can hear you.".  I stood awkwardly while they discussed how neither of them knew they were expecting a new employee.

I heard the phone exchange end and I heard Greg dial his phone and leave a message for Kerry to call him, he hung up a bit harder than necessary.  Sue nodded at a couple of chairs by the entry door and went back to typing on her computer.  I took two steps towards the chair before sitting down and I felt the urge to head back out the door.  Just as I was making the decision to sit, Greg emerged from his office with a winning smile, and a friendly handshake.  He had a friendly smile that reached his eyes, and he made a joke about Kerry being bad at communication while he invited me to join him in his office.   I don't remember the exact details of that conversation, but it was ironic and funny that Greg was trying to decide what it was that I had been hired to do.  Also, a bit unnerving.  

I learned that Kerry had been called suddenly out of town and had forgotten to communicate to anyone that I was starting today.  There was an inside joke in the tone Greg used to inform me of this, but I knew I didn't get the joke. 

Suddenly a short blonde haired man banged open the office door and stood in the doorway, looking angry, his arms hung straight at his sides with this hands bound tightly into fists.  Sue and the pretty dark haired lady, both watched.  Greg looked at me with a silent apology, that I understood even though I just met him.  He introduced me to Ken, Co-Owner, CFO and Kerry's brother.  Ken didn't bother to hide his annoyance and only offered me a brief nod as him and Greg discussed where I should sit and what I might be doing.

After their exchange Greg apologized for their unorganized greeting and lead me to an employee's lunch room, and offered me some coffee while they decided where to create a work space and find a computer for me.

After a long hour or so passed, Greg returned to lead me to a desk that had been moved into the office with the pretty dark haired lady, and I learned her name was Wendy.  She greeted me with a friendly smile and seemed pleased rather than upset to have a new office mate.  Nobody was clear on what I should do so they handed me employee paperwork, a employees manual and told me to personalize my computer.

Ken stormed in and out of the room bringing office supplies, hooking up the phone, informing me of my passwords, and I noticed when he stomped around the office everyone moved out of the way. 

I felt suddenly grateful for Wendy's friendliness and worried about my new job.

I began to read the paperwork in front of me.

I've been considering trying to write about our little company that went from Start Up to Public and what a crazy journey that was.

This was my first attempt, I mostly write commentary so a bit of a new thing...

Tell me about your most awkward "First Day" in the comment section.

Make Steem 8 Again!  

Tell me about your most awkward "First Day" in the comment section.!



I have changed my job 3 times so far! In very first job, I felt like I am a stupid a$$hole who came to that job, so within 2 weeks I left! Then my second job began and I was there for 1 year and it was a very pleasant place to do my job!
After all my 3rd job began! First day was like learn GREEK :D I have no idea why they recruited me lol :D Anyway, I started change myself to their culture and it worked! So, still working in that office and I am happy to say, being patience in my very first day led me into happy days!


That's awesome, I imagine you would be a good person on any team!

You have more patience than me at

After their exchange Greg apologized for their unorganized greeting and lead me to an employee's lunch room, and offered me some coffee while they decided where to create a work space and find a computer for me.

I would have been out the front door.

It was close, several times in the early days!

I can believe it, the whole thing from receptionist to the office they gave you sounded awkward, nice to see a friendly face in the brown haired lady, at least she gave you some positive vibes, in a very non positive environment.

You have sticking power, not many do.

I was a contract engineer, a rent a pencil, for most of my career. I had over 60 "starting days", and several times staff was not aware of my hiring. In these few situations the staff took it in a matter of fact fashion and just helped me get started. I had some dozy interviews though. One time I was being interviewed by a very young female HR person who asked me where I wanted my career to go. At the time I was 60 and if I hadn't become president of the world by that age I clearly didn't have the lifespan left to give it a go now! I told her that I planned to retire early to a catamaran in the Caribbean living off what I could catch in the ocean. And when I was too old to take care of my boat I planned to sail into the first class 3 hurricane that came into the gulf and i would never be heard from again. Her jaw dropped. It was a practice interview (I really didn't want the job they were offering) for a job I really wanted and was to be interviewed for the following day.

That is funny, I used to interview often from the hiring side. I never stop being amazed at what some people say. I guess some of them didn't want the job either.

I had one gal tell me once, she didn't care what the company did, she just needed to work to have insurance.

What a great story @whatsup that is so unfortunately true for many new employees. My favorite part:

It nearly made me laugh out loud, when she broke into a husky whisper to mention this, while sitting less than a foot away from me. I fought off the urge to say, "I can hear you."

I had a similar experience, where I was not expected to start on a certain day, but showed up and was given a temporary desk about the size that a child would sit at. Needless to say, I am 6 feet tall and the visual created quite a picture. I remember someone passing by and asking me, "Who did you piss off?" referring to my long legs press up against the small "kindergarten" desk that I was teased about for years.

LOL, I can totally picture this little desk. :)

Are you still at this company? What a crazy experience. Some people should probably not have the jobs they do have. lol Hopefully they became nicer to you.

Ken and Kerry are lifetime friends at this point! We were young, rough around the edges. :)

My most awkward first day was a time when I was really struggling in 2012. I had a case that was going south for me in the courts and it was draining... I looked sad and thin and probably that made my new boss think I was homeless or something as her elegant six foot being looked down on me and told me not to ever show up in her office smelling smoke... Not that I smelt it but rather it seemed like something I would do. That I should look for better clothes and a nice smelling perfume and she didn't mind a cheap one but it was a must.

I didn't have fare to go back home and this woman was talking about better clothes and nice smelling cheap perfumes. I have never felt so awkward my entire life... And I have never gone to an interview or in an office working. My current job is a prison volunteer :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow, that is an awkward first day!

I bet you would have some amazing stories from the prison, that is really interesting!

Very! Oh yes. It's such a humbling experience especially because I have served a sentence in the past myself.

Posted using Partiko Android

Finally had a quiet moment to read your story. I like where you’re going with this idea; I’m very curious. I’ve worked for a start up before, they weren’t so successful. It was an online betting system and my very first job in IT while I was in uni. Looking back, it was an interesting time, but I can’t remember enough of it, only my car was towed one night and I had a developer sleeping at my feet. He was waiting to fix any bugs I found. Lol

Looking forward to reading more. ❤️

Haha! I've never had a dev sleeping at my feet! :)

How uncomfortable that must have been. I have been on a job hunt myself, and one of the jobs I applied for (and temporarily had) was at a hotel for night auditor. I had to sit and wait while the manager and owner were calmly explaining to three construction workers there was no way housekeeping had stolen items from their room as the electronic cards were logged whenever they were used. I was nervous as the men were very angry, despite her calmness in showing them the printout of all entries into the room over the last month. I was the only man in the lobby and wondered if I would have to try holding them off if they decided to get violent. Made me wonder if this was really a job I wanted, although I took it (albeit temporarily).

Yeah Interesting, I hadn't thought of that. I bet one of those guys, ripped off his friends.

This might be strange, but I seem to block out all of my first day on the job experiences.

Sounds horrible - glad I've never really had a job (always been self employed), I'd probably fail to fall into line...

:) Yeah, being self employed you only have to fight with yourself.

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