ecoTrain Question of the Week: “What was one of the most profound spiritual moments of your life?”

in #life7 years ago

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I will share here one of the "most profound spiritual moments" that I can remember, as some other moments were rather personal and almost useless to try and put into words, at least without the ability to look into your eyes as I tell you.

I was 6 years old and liked watching cartoons. There was one called David the Gnome, I'm sure some of you know it. I was in the backyard on our families swing set, riding the swing that was shaped a bit like a horse or some other kind of animal, imagining that I was David riding on his fox. I was running away from the ogres.

I found myself wondering if the ogres were like bears. Did they hibernate through the winter. I thought about what it would be like to really hibernate, to spend so many months just sleeping and dreaming. What would those dreams be like? My dreams lasted just one night, but sometimes they felt like a week or longer. What if I slept for a month or a year, or even longer? I could dream up a whole lifetime. What kind of dreams did those bears and ogres have? Perhaps they were dreaming that they were me....

Suddenly my body seemed to be a loose fit. I felt a strange if I could float away at any moment, that I could wake up at any moment. I stayed on that thought for a while. Was I dreaming? I had no idea. Was life really that different from dreams? I realized how likely it was that I was actually dreaming at that moment, dreaming up this entire life, how likely it was that nothing around me was any more real than my dreams.

I got off the swing and lied down in the grass, skimming my fingers against each blade. It felt real, but so did my dreams. I looked at the intricacy of the life all around me. "What is all this?", I thought, with wonder.

"Life is but a dream".

The words repeated over and over in my head as I became one with the dream around me.

Every waking dream since has been a profound spiritual experience, though I do forget to really enjoy them from time to time.


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Ohh interesting. I kind of experienced your post as mysterious. Great Job!

oh boy! how deep does the rabbit hole go! THis is such a hard question to answer.. whether we are in fact dreaming our life.. is it really that different to our sleeping dreams! As you say they BOth feel real!!


Thanks so much for writing on the QOTW. best of luck @whatamidoing!

As far as I can wrap my head around it, waking life is solid and dreams are gaseous, perhaps lucid dreams being a more liquid in-between. There's more to it though as solidity seems to have us moving in one direction down a river where as less density appears to remove this limitation.

No problem, I love what your doing. I've tried to email you but I can't access my email on this pad so I'll have to do it whenever I get access to a laptop.

Waking life.

When I've reached my age, I felt like the years behind were all nothing but a dream. I just jumped from one place to another, one moment to another after spending years traveling. Yeah, it felt like a dream!

This reminds me of something I wrote in the intro to my short stories on patreon. Seems we feel the same.

"All the little moments piece together, it's almost useless to try and imagine which were dreams. In the end they are all dreams"

thank you for sharing this @whatamidoing. I have awarded you $10 SBD. Many thanks for participating!

Woah, thanks man. your posts are all awesome.

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