My Motivating Factors in Life

in #life6 years ago (edited)

What moti­vates you the most?

I don’t want to be rude but regard­ing the above ques­tion, I can’t answer that for you.
We may have dif­fer­ent moti­va­tions in life. How­ever, there can be an excep­tion on that when we talk about cha ching….

Yes, money could be the first moti­vat­ing fac­tor but not all of us list this so-called “root of all evil” in the sum­mit of our moti­vat­ing list. Just for cor­rec­tion, it is the love of money that makes it the root of all that is not good and that brings afflic­tions. Though there is good­ness when plea­sure is taken into con­sid­er­a­tion but the aftermath—still is bad.

I may have placed money in my list first of moti­vat­ing fac­tors. You can also do the same. Oth­ers can also do the same. Some­how, if we place it first, it doesn’t mean that we are so ambi­tious and so greedy or so lust­ful about the money that we are going to do any­thing just for it.

Image Credit: Pexels

If you want to take real­ism on this aspect, it is in fact, money that can moti­vate us to work, to do a 9–5 job and a part-time on the side, to engage in dif­fer­ent activ­i­ties that involve reward and in which the pri­mary incen­tive is money, to make sac­ri­fices such as over­time work, sleep­less nights and to suf­fer from over fatigue just to get the works done in order to receive the bit­ter­sweet reward—that is money.

How­ever, let us take into account that the term that defines some­thing with value in exchange for some­thing more valu­able is just the means to get things that we really need and want. The money is there as a medium of exchange.

Now, I think, I have cleared some­thing up.

And if you say that money is the thing that moti­vates you the most that is because you know that hav­ing it can help you acquire other things in life. How­ever, lim­i­ta­tions are ubiq­ui­tous. Not all things require the pres­ence of money for acqui­si­tion of things earnestly desired.

Because I can’t answer the above ques­tion for you, at this moment, I will share the things that moti­vate me the most.

What moti­vates me?

My family is what really motivates me. My very supportive wife and my 2 beautiful daughters are the reason why I continue to thrive and push the boundaries of my abilities.

Aside from them, there are other things that moti­vates me.

First off, it is success.

I want to be suc­cess­ful in life and the thing the really moti­vates me is when I cling to the word suc­cess. You might find me as a sucker for success.

Image Credit: Pexels

Fig­u­ra­tively, I often look at high, the pin­na­cle of the steep­est lad­der, and the acme of a tow­er­ing trai­tor­ous moun­tain. I always see suc­cess as some­thing that could bring me up high. How­ever, I don’t do it by day­dream­ing. When I stiffen my neck to com­pel my head ver­ti­cally look­ing through the sky, I am aim­ing to work harder and smarter. And I admit, my neck and back some­times hurt after 3–4 hours of fac­ing the lap­top, typ­ing the keys and sit­ting even though my chair is designed ergonomically.

Seri­ously, it really takes hard work to attain suc­cess. And that word really moti­vates me a lot.

Mov­ing on…

The sec­ond thing that moti­vates me to work smarter is when I look at a pic­ture of a beach with beau­ti­ful tran­quil set­ting. The wall­pa­per on my lap­top screen is the beau­ti­ful beach and seashore of Carnaza Island in Daanbantayan Cebu. And I’ve never changed that wall­pa­per since then after I’ve taken over the possession of my computer.

Image Credit: Dyan Lang

The beach is my wel­come screen and by look­ing at it reminds to work smarter – that means I have to work with min­i­mal effort but with greater reward. When I have my reward, my first thing to do is to travel to that island in my computer wallpaper.

Thirdly, my par­ents are the per­sons that moti­vate me. They moti­vate me to grow up to be smart but with great regards to moral virtues. They’ve molded me to what I am right now. Though I am not that suc­cess­ful, how­ever, what­ever success in life I have, I dedicate them all to my parents.

That's me at the back... giggles

My par­ents have worked hard to com­pel us to escape poverty. My father, at a young age, was able to wither life’s hard­ships. My father pushed him­self to fin­ish his col­lege study despite the dif­fi­cul­ties of being a university working student and at the same time the bread­win­ner of a fam­ily who was being left by their father.

Despite the afflic­tions and hard­ships my par­ents had been through, they man­aged to fin­ish their stud­ies and have helped us fin­ished ours (my sib­lings and me). What they had expe­ri­enced could not be com­pared to the dif­fi­cul­ties I have right now. Think­ing of their hard­ships has com­pelled to work to my own limitations.

I don’t have to be emo­tional but through this blog, I can bring up sub­jects that I find related to the topic at hand. And this topic opens up my grat­i­tude for what my par­ents have done.

Mean­while, the fourth thing that moti­vates me is the reward or the incen­tives of my blog­ging and digital mar­ket­ing ven­tures. I know, it may take time for me to receive the fruits of my labor online. How­ever, the related rewards moti­vate me to work with plea­sure amidst lim­i­ta­tions and insuf­fi­cient resources. The rewards I mean here is not just about the money. I also include rep­u­ta­tion and opened oppor­tu­ni­ties brought by this ven­ture.

Image Credit: Pexels

Though, it may seem far-fetched based on my cur­rent stand­ing in blog­ging and online mar­ket­ing, I am still hope­ful for the rewards.

I still have other things that moti­vate me. How­ever, I could bring up money into this line as the fifth thing that moti­vates me. How­ever, hav­ing lots of money moti­vates me to help other peo­ple. I want to share my riches to poverty-stricken individuals.

Image Credit: Pexels

I don’t want to hoard a lot of money. My riches would bring bore­dom to my life if I had not shared this to oth­ers in dire need of it.

Although, giv­ing money may be the tan­gi­ble way of not being greedy, I don’t think it would help peo­ple in the long run. I may have to spend money but it will be related to impart­ing lessons that could bring riches in people’s lives, tan­gi­ble or not.

And yes, I like to share what I have learned. But before I can share to other peo­ple in need, I may have to start first with myself and aug­ment what­ever riches I’ve got.

There are sev­eral things that could be used as our moti­va­tors. There are indi­vid­u­als, our fam­i­lies, our friends our loved ones who can push us to do the things to be done. They may be the same indi­vid­u­als that could help us expe­ri­ence the opti­mum of our abilities.

A recent event we had in Butuan City with my Huawei Sugbo team

Mean­while, there are activ­i­ties that could aid us more in reach­ing our goals and these activ­i­ties could be our moti­va­tional hacks. If you like to know the prob­a­ble things and activ­i­ties that could become our moti­va­tional hacks, I rec­om­mend this arti­cle from Zen­Hab­its.

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Images with no credits are owned by me, Herbert Kikoy
Topmost Image Credit: Pexels


Great article as always, sir! God bless.

Great piece man! I know you have a good shot of Winning this. Bring home the bacon.

I like how you presented your motivational factors and you are just being a realist.

Thank you boss. It's quite a competitive contest but worth the try.

Brilliant as always! This post has been nominated for Steemit Family Ph Daily Featured Articles. Good luck!

I love this post bro! A lot of people can really relate to this! 😀

How can you be so awesome everytime? Nice entry brotha! Rooting for you! 💪👍

Thanks sistah 👍

Hey there! You were featured on the #47th edition of steemitfamilyph's featured posts.

And yes, I like to share what I have learned. But before I can share to other peo­ple in need, I may have to start first with myself and aug­ment what­ever riches I’ve got.

I do like this part. Youre doing great, I look up unto you Kuya.

There! Upvoted & knocked you to the $10 mark! Your article has good presentation, and you seem to be trying to accomplish something noble. I wish you the best!

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