Happiness is a choice!

in #life5 years ago


Let me put this in perspective. Every second we spend happy, it lasts about two seconds. A month later, if it doesn't happen, we have two months to wait. That's how bad it gets. Let me stress again: we're not happy forever, because in the next few seconds we'll be again. In that case, happiness was not the most important thing that happened in the present. It's important to know that happiness changes over time. It's very, very important because we can get stuck in the trap of thinking that happiness (whatever it may be) is unchanging over the life of a person. That is like a person saying that all happiness is the same.

Take yourself as an example. Find out what makes you happy. You will get to notice it changes over time. What used to make you happy does not work nowadays and you become clueless on this. But don't feel bad coz this happens to us all. Everything is changing and this is a normal phenomenon. Like from a relationship to your job status, your desire and everything. You will never feel the same happy feeling after ages on the same thing.


Happiness actually flows with our living status. Like, if you used to be happy to get a 100$ bill once; if your financial status change/decrease you will see the same amount is making you happier than before or vice versa. So if you want to make yourself happy you can do that always. But the thing is, we usually do not think that way. We believe if certain things would not be present in our lives, we will not be happy. But this is very wrong.

Look, how an earthquake survivor or flood survivor or who live in the slum find happiness, find optimism after the big event. They never maybe thought they will be in such a position in their lives. But they find a way, they make their path to stay happy. Feeling happy to find a way to feel happy is the biggest motivation in our life. And as it's really hard to define what actually makes us happy, so rather searching for happiness we should focus on the way of living our life, enjoying the moment. Maybe then we will start to feel happy even in a small event.


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