My Baby Was Born September 25th of 2018!!! Part #2

in #life6 years ago

Things Got REAL!

This is the second post in the series of posts I will be making celebrating and sharing with all of you this amazingly crazy, wonderful and sometimes awfully gross experience. The first post if the series you can find it here Part #1

The OR Experience

yeah that is me at my worst look ever

It was approximately 8.30am and I was all dress up to meet my child finally, they gave me a dress with an opening on the front and this hat that made me look so good! yeah this is sarcasms and the nurse came to take me to the OR, I kiss my boyfriend goodbye the last time that it would be just the 2 of us (yeah my family and his family was there but hey I block them out) and on my way I went, the nurse put me on a waiting room and it was freezing cold, that is were that picture above was taken, it was my BF doing he convince the nurse to take a pic of me in that look, Why? Well god only knows, I couldn’t believe he would send someone to take a picture of me looking like that, but whatever, I was more afraid of what was to come than mad about a photo.
There I was waiting and I hear this little baby cry, I was so close to where they keep the babies, and a girl just had her C-section right before mine so there was a brand new baby in there and all I could think was, OMG I wish my baby doesn’t cry like that when he is born, cause I would still be on the table and wont be able to carry him right away

And then another nurse came and took me to the OR, she also took my “dress” away and I couldn’t believe I would missed it as much as I did the second she took it from me, I was butt naked and apparently to keep all the bacteria away they keep the AC on the OR at freezing temperatures, I have never being in Alaska but I felt like I was naked in Alaska.

And then the fun begun, the anesthesiologist told me to put myself in a fetal position, she was about to put my epidural, and she assure me it wouldn’t hurt I would just feel a small poke and then some pressure, I have to admit this got me a little worry I was told by so many people this would hurt a lot but it wasn’t as bad as being butt naked in a room freezing cold, and then I felt it the anesthetic running through my body and making my limbs felt hot, it was a relief from the cold, but I still could feel when the doctors touched me, so that got me scare, I was afraid the medicine didn’t do its job, but the doctor reassure me it was normal to just give it moment, and as she told me that I could feel her starting to cut me open, she use a laser or a cauterizer I don’t know what is call, and I could feel it!!!

I will admit it didn’t hurt, I could feel it but I didn’t feel any pain, it was a strange sensation and I know it may not be the same as delivering vaginal cause that pain may be stronger, but having a c-section is not fun at all let me tell you, at least for me it wasn’t, I felt it all!

  1. The incision, it didn’t hurt but it was scary as hell to feel it.
  2. The position I was in, laying on my back made the baby put all the pressure on my lungs I couldn’t breath and I started to get dizzy and wanted to throw up.
  3. The doctors had to apply pressure to my belly to make the baby come out throw what it may not be as small as vagina, but it was a hole cut open in my lower belly that was not natural made and it would cause me great pain after the whole ordeal was done.
  4. I guess they have to pour some antibiotics in there or something I don’t know, my doctor told me I would feel a small discomfort and man I felt like I they were burning me inside that shit hurt like hell.

But nothing of this matter once I hear it, the most beautiful sound ever, I hear him cry for the first time ever, I couldn’t see him but I could hear him he was out and he was crying that meant he was at least breathing and was ok enough to cry, then I saw how the pediatrician hold him and carry him away from me, I almost scream right there, but I had to remember I had to be strong and be rational the doctor needed to check on him it was important for her to do that and make sure he was fine, she didn’t take him too far away from me they were near my head I could see her holding him and cleaning him, he was not crying any more so I had to ask is is he ok? yes he was she told me he was a healthy boy and that was so good to hear, that got me through all the pain and discomfort I was in, you see even if the doctor and nurses tell you, you will only feel pressure and not pain, they can screw themselves, that pressure I was feeling hurt!

and here comes the feminist side of all this, you’ll see I’m a 31 years old woman, I’m a lawyer, I consider myself mature enough and I’m pretty sure I know what I want and what I have plan for my life, so the moment I realize I couldn’t have a natural birth and would have to go through a C-section, I figure I could have a benefit out of it, and that was to get my tubs cut that means to have myself permanent sterilize.

Female sterilization is a permanent procedure to prevent pregnancy. It works by blocking the fallopian tubes. – healthline

I don’t have to explain myself to anybody, is my body, is my life, but apparently, I had to explain all that to my doctor, the group of nurses on the OR and every single person that learns I got my tubs cut. My doctor even insisted on getting my Boyfriend approval before I could get the procedure done, I was so freaking mad about it, why would he have to approve anything about it? Ok I admit is something I did discuss with him we came to the conclusion one child was enough for both of us, and Juan Carlos was all we both wanted, but the fact that my doctor felt the need to ask him about it made me feel so furious, yes that man is my boyfriend, and yes is the man I want to expend the rest of my life with (why I still wonder this) but it is my body is something that is mine (yeah is his too but in a sexy kind of way) and I should be the only one that has a say in what happens to my body.

I complain but I didn’t fight about it I wanted the procedure done and I couldn’t risk the doctor getting crazy and telling me she wouldn’t do it, so I just told her I wanted it and assure her I was really sure about it and she after what it felt to me like an hour of begging did cut my tubs. I’m happy about it I don’t regret it one bit, I don’t know if that cutting of the tubs added any more discomfort to my already bruise body but I think it didn’t actually help on making me feel better.

These next pictures were taken by a nurse on the OR, she really has a talent for photography and I thank her for it I love the pictures soooo much!!! They are awesome bloody but awesome!!!

@JuanCarlosGP was born by 9.20am, he weighed 3.200Kg and measured 51cm

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And that would be all for this post, the story will continue on my next one!

On the next post…

The Anesthetic Was Over The Recovery Process Begin and I Finally got to Carry My Baby!!!

As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!

Picture Credit: Pictures are all Mine and any Emojis used were created with!

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Felicidades por tu hermoso bebe, entiendo por todo lo que pasastes, también tuve un parto por cesárea y se que es bastante estresante. Afortunadamente con tan solo verlos dejamos todo en un segundo plano y nos hace saber que vale la pena, precisamente hoy escribí un articulo Titulado Parto natural o cesaría ¿Que te hace una mejor madre? si gustas puede darle un vistazo. Un fuerte abrazo para ti, un beso enorme de mi parte para juan carlos que Dios lo bendiga.

Wow...this is really awesome! I hope that you continue with this series indefinitely! What a wonderful experience to share, and when your child is old can share so much detail about his very beginning of life here on earth. I feel honored to be seeing this beginning of life! Thank you!

thank you so much! yes that is the idea to have this for my child when he is old enough to read it

Felicidades por tu bebé, esa es una de los regalos mas prestigiosos que Dios nos otorga, en cuanto a lo del corte, si no estas casada no hay problema con eso, pero si lo estas necesariamente se necesita la autorización del cónyuge. Dios bendiga a tu niño

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