An Update on All Things Venezuela, Me and Baby Bday Preparations Also the Posts to Come… <- Weird Title I Know

in #life5 years ago

Crazy Update Post…

You have been warn read at your own risk…

Ok, so I have several ideas in my head for what to post, but since I can do 7 post in a day and I live in Venezuela and cant trust the internet or electrical power in here I decided I needed to do just one big crazy post and be done with it.

So, first things first…

News from Venezuela

(economic news from a lawyer that fail to pass math when she was studying Accountancy so this may be not a good thing)

For all of you that have been wondering what is up now with Venezuela, well let me tell you my country has something happening every day, but sometimes it just decides to let all the bad things happen all at once in just one day (kind of like this post…) so, what happened now?


The price of the US Dollar has risen to the skies again, this has happened several times before in the last 10 years and is the reason we had have 2 Monetary Reconversions (one in 2007 where they took away 3 zeros to the Bolivar and the last one in 2018 where they took 5 zeros form it). The price of US Dollar rises almost daily the difference form now is that it has risen a lot in just a few days, this affects the prices of all the things since we relay heavily on importation, and also makes our minimum wage come close to zero like I’m not kidding at all our currently minimum wage is 1,6US$ for a month!!

The price of the US Dollar by the time I make this post is at 22.905,00 Bs. / US$.

According to several news this is due to our big oil company finally paying some of its debts to local suppliers with Bolivares (our currency) there for injecting liquidity to the market and making all those people buy US Dollars, (I am sorry if this doesn’t make any sense I suck at explaining economic subjects).

Any ways to put it in perspective, today I went to the local market to buy a bag of diapers (little kid uses a pack of 20 diapers per week) and the same pack I bought last week at 49.000,00 Bs. was now at 75.000,00 Bs. when you do the conversion to US Dollars is only 3 US$ but! Keep in mind this will only last for a week and our minimum wage for the month is at 1,6US$ (the steady income we have is from the baby daddy and that is the amount he is getting monthly from his job) I have Steem and I started a company to sell Chemicals Products from Home (since I’m not currently practicing law, cause I’m a stay at home month to a 11 months old)


Photo from the local market taken by me today, in it you can see the diapers bags and their prices

So, even though is hard sometimes for us to come up with the money to actually buy some stuff, we manage to at least have food in our table and our baby has all his needs cover but think about the families that don’t have those other options? How a family of 3 will survive even if the 2 parents work full time with their salaries combine, they will have 3,2 US$ a month!! I simply don’t know!

Do I see an out to this situation? Is there anything happening to change this in the near future or at least in the long run?

Ummm no, we have seen a lot of things happening a lot of countries backing the National Assembly as the legitime power to get Venezuela through a transition, but nothing has happen, the same people remains in power and there is not hope that they will leave said power even with all the international pressure on them.

Will I leave Venezuela?

I can’t, currently my baby is too young and we don’t have the money it takes to actually do the travel (tickets and expenses of moving to another country) nor do we have the capital to start new in another country (where we will have to find jobs and housing and all that from scratch).

Ok, now on to…

Baby’s First Bday Preparations News!!!!

If you read my post Seriously the Cuteness of My Child is Beyond… Part 3 (lets be honest probably not cause nobody reads me, but I like to pretend I have a big audience so I don’t feel sad and pathetic) you know my baby first Bday is coming!!! We are now in a countdown less than a month away from the big event!!! (his bday is sep 25 mark your calendars people!!) and well you know I had big plans for it, mostly I refused to throw a bday party cause that will just be way too expensive just to have people who is not my child enjoy free food, I wanted to take him to the beach and was thinking on making a trip to my home town to do that, he loves the outsides and loves trips so that would be perfect, but to do that I would have to expend 80US$ on the airplane tickets 9the baby daddy would come too obviously, who btw refused to let us do the trip through the road cause is too dangerous (we could have an accident cause of the way the roads are or we could get robe cause of the insecurity that reigns in this country) ) any ways that Is obviously not happening I much rather expending those 80 bucks on the kid himself than on plane tickets.

So, What I’m Going to Do Now?

The big plan is making him a bday cake, and decorate the house just for us to sing him happy bday (my mom, sister and nephew are coming that day) and maybe taking him to a pool that weekend.

I want him to have the best cake ever because he loves to eat all the sweets (he takes that after me I love me some chocolate and he does too!!!) and he loves this cartoon of the Lottie Dottie Chicken, so I will have made a cake with the freaking Chicken on it! (I will not make it myself cause even if I do make delicious cakes, I suck big time at decorating them)

Look at that amazing looking cake!!! I need that for my kid!!

Yes, I would suck at trying to put that one off, anyways that cake is going to cost me 30$ and I want to decorate the house with balloons that I will have to find the price of cause I don’t really know, I have to also print some images (hello DYI Decoration from Pinterest) but those will be free cause baby daddy will print them on his job.

But Way, what about the baby loving the outdoors and taking him on a trip to the beach as a gift?

That will have to wait a little bit, cause I found this awesome package on a hotel on the beach in the gorgeous Island of Margarita (pics below) is an all included 4 days and 3 nights stay at the beach side hotel, and the best part is to get there we will only have to take a ferry ride (to get to the ferry the baby daddy can get us a company car to drive us there) and the ferry ride is actually really cheap, so how much does this all included (yes even alcoholics beverages and all the foods) packaged thing costs? Well is 170 US$ for 2 people (since baby is too small to pay). I mean this is in an awesome hotel, it includes security, we will not have any other expenses to pay for (transportation to beach or food cause hello we would be in the beach and the food is included on the package).

How are you planning on paying 170US$ to take that beach side hotel trip if you leave in Venezuela and you complain about how making money is so difficult?

Well, hello my name is Victoria and when I want something, I work to get that something and I usually get me that something! I will be trying to post as much as possible, also did I mention I have this side business now of selling chemical products (no is not drugs, believe me if it were drugs I would not be poor) and will be trying to save all the money from those sells to the #JuanCarlosGiftFund (<- My Child name is Juan Carlos in case you didn’t know) I know this will be hard to do, that is why I have had the talk with the kid about it, I just told him plain simple mommy is working to get you the best bday present ever take you to the beach for 4 whole days but is going to take mommy a little bit to get you the present, I’m thinking probably a few months? I don’t know, I have set December as the goal, hopefully sooner, but hello is 170US$ and that is a lot! But my kid deserves the best and I will make sure he has the best!

Here are some pictures of the hotel just cause …

What about the posts to come?

Well I will be translating some very important posts from @minnowsupport to update a little bit our info/rule channel for the Spanish speaking people so if you see several posts a day from me that is why … I will not make more than 3 posts a day tho… and I think there are only like 5 posts that need translation but anyways I wanted to let you know that, that is happening.

Just in case you thought, oh well a post without a picture of her baby you though wrong here is the soon to be bday boy! In all his cuteness!!!


have not idea why Steemit turns that pic upsidedown but whatever is late i will not fix it



As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!

Picture Credit: All images are of my property unless said otherwise and the emojis are made with!

I’m currently an active curator for @minnowsupport and @helpie, and even though I focus on post in Spanish (cause duh!) if you know of any good post that deserves to be curated or any good author that I need to be on the lookout for 🔎📌 (doesn’t matter the language) let me know in the comments!
Actualmente soy curadora activa para @minnowsupport y @helpie, e incluso aunque me centre en publicaciones en español (¡porque obvio!) ¡Si conoces alguna publicación buena que merezca ser curada o cualquier buen autor del que deba estar pendiente 🔎📌 en cualquier idioma, házmelo saber en los comentarios!

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