A very merry merry Christmas to YOU... Now as you were!

in #life7 years ago

Well its over now; as you were...

Haha sorry bit cynical! 

I hope you all had a cracking festive stint. You are fed, watered and caught up. Like me you are probably well behind on Steemit posts and ready to get you head back into the community. I read a few posts between meals and sleeps.

I would share some picture of my wonderful Xmas but I don't have any, so can't. Where it was great to catch up with the family (most of them) dynamics were tough lets say. My sister is in a bad place (she has been for years), I don't want to be mean but man her energies are really low and had a negative effect on me! As recently I have become more attuned; my sensitivity to others energy is growing. So its been tough to keep a level and the peace, as she unfortunately is negative and feels the need to bring herself up by taking other down.  I think that was quite nicely put. 

Anyhow it is wonderful to be back in my home and amazingly I feel like a pressure have been released and my energies are flowing again yippee! I wanna dance (no videos of that unfortunately or luckily is maybe the better word). Now, I don't know how to help her she has a strong force around her and does not let anyone in unfortunately this brings negativity into her life. My aim it to send her reiki vibes this year and try and bring her up that way as talking does not work, and frankly I find it hard being in the same room. 

In the aid of making a more visual stimulating post I am adding in my Christmas present to myself, well one of them. I also got a ledger but @eveuncovered beat to that post so i'll will wait ;). My home needed so plant life in it so thats what I treated myself with, I still need a lot more but its a start. Instead of joyful Christmas pics some new plant life instead! 

First a Astrophytum myriostigma (I only have the latin names, means nothing to me either)

I feel my festive jive was not as lively as usual this year but not in a negative way. With such a massive changes in my life this year I just felt the need to observe others enjoyment. Does that sound odd? I'm not sure. What I am getting at is unclear to me also; it just felt like festivities were not needed this year. Not in a barhumbug sort of way just a casual low key event was required. I had a few lovely strolls along the canal near my mums and relaxed at times. I really enjoyed reading all you comment and posts, which lifted me no end.    

My spiritual thinking developed no end this year, helped by you guys and I am still processing the years gains. After many years of being a sheep; well no I have been awake since 2006 ish properly but you'll need to read my series on my journey ( Only Part 1 so far but more to come very soon! Bit of self advertising there sorry, its Christmas, I can be let off :) ). I just feel this last year I have bounded forward! 

Another plant this one Bromelia Guzmania 

But it was overall wonderful and great to see some happy people bounding around full of festive passion. I sound depressed but i'm not; its just as I keep saying I wanted to observe and just taking Christmas in that way this year. Its been great and the nieces and nephew were on top form. I got the gifts I desired my bivy bag and sleeping bag NICE! Ready for the wild camping missions once a wee bit of sun creep from behind those big fluff clouds.

Plant three Crassula perforata bicolour. There were some bits that fell of this one so I planted them also with the hope for more.

Kind of a rant splurge on the page today, as my brain is processing. My year has been one of development and knowledge gains and a lot to take into 2018! But that leads me into my next post so until then my friends be merry and brace yourselves for a wonderful 2018 :)!

The last plant Calathea Rufibarba

I would like to finish in wishing you all a belated Happy Solstice, Christmas or what ever you like call it!


Beautiful plants. Happy New Year!

Thanks wow new year not there yet man alive I am behind haha. And to you it'll will be a great year x

Beautiful plants!

Thanks hope you had a lovely Xmas :)

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