Weekend recap

in #life6 years ago


Time flies when you're having fun they say, and it's the truth. The weekend is already passed. But what a weekend it was, we had a great time.



We were going to The Zwarte Cross festival on Friday. I have written a post about this festival a while ago, if you would like to read it you can read it here. We were going with friends and rented a van to get there all together, my wife doesn't drink any alcohol so she didn't mind driving.

Before we went to the festival the postman brought (finally) a package with our new gadget 'Wendy'.
Wendy is a kind of a homeautomation station from which you can get all kind of information about the electricity and gas use but also can manage your lights in and around the house. We have bought this device for our solar panels, to see what the revenue is. I installed it friday morning, just before we went to the Festival :) I did wrote a post about it you can find it here.

At 13.00 o'clock it was time to head to the festival. My wife drove the van to pick op the others, and there we go with 10 people. It was already hot and in the van there was no airconditioning so the windows where down to get at least some fresh air in the van :).

When we arrived at the festival it was already crowded, a lot of people took the day of to go (just as we did) but there where also some campsites next to the terrain where a lot of people stayed for 4 days, just to party all festival.


Because of the weather (it was very dry and very hot) there was a lot of dust in the air. You could see it rizing above the crowd. You can imaging what our clothes and shoes looked like after the festival :) But we didn't care, we had a great time.

I read this morning that the total of visitors this year where 230.000 people, so that is a new record for the festival. And the great thing is that there were no problems at all.

We went on friday because of the closing act, it was Volbeat. My son and I are big fans of Volbeat so we take every opportunity to see them. But besides Volbeat we have seen a lot of great bands and acts.
The Zwarte cross originally was a real motor cross, the expanded it to the biggest festival in Europe with 33 stages, a lot of cultural acts and great music.


The festival mascotte is aunt Rikkie, she is the aunt of the organizers and plays a big part in all the items on the cross, you can see this at the big inflatable aunt rikkie :)

There was this freestyle track where, during the day, Freestyle crossers gave great shows with the highest jumps on the track. They even did a frontflip, it was awesome to see.

In Holland some wannabe rapper has a big hit with "Snelle planga", which means "Speedy sunglasses"... And of course the youth loves it.... So my son got himself a 'Snelle planga" hahaha. I thought he looked like RoboCop :)

At 15.00 o'clock Kraantje Pappie played at mainstage. Kraantje Pappie is a Dutch rapper from Groningen. he is very popular in the Netherlands, and to be honest I can respect his music. The lyrics are great and the beats he uses are nice.

What I admire the most at The Zwarte Cross is that the layed back atmosphere. There are no problems at all and people treat eachother with the most respect, no matter how you are dressed, what you look like or what you do... And that's one of the powers I think of this festival.

The brady bunch :)

We enjoyed our selfs a lot, we had a few beers, a good bite and great talks. Besides that it was fun just to watch people.

At the end of the day it was time to head to mainstage, I went together with my youngest because that was for us the main event of the day. It was very crowded so we decided not to try to get frontrow, it was just to many people. Volbeat kicked off and it was a great show. At one moment I put my son on my neck so he could see a little more. It was great

When we came home at 01.30 in the night, we all went for a shower first to wash off all the dirt.



Although it was late the night before, we got out of bed quite early. Mostly because I had a terrible toothache, it was hurting quite bad.


Although I am not a real crybaby I couldn't ignore the pain, but I decided to call the dentist first thing monday because unlike doctors and emergency service for dentists isn't common to call in the weekend and I thought I would survive ;).

We didn't do a lot on this day, we were relaxing a bit and watched the match between England and Belgium. And of course with this weather it was time for a BBQ..

My sons always love to play with the firestarter to get the BBQ going.



On sunday friends of ours came over to watch the worlcup finale between France and Croatia. I had set my hope for Croatia but unfortunatly France won. I thought they didn't deserve it cause they weren't playing a decent match, but than again... If you win, you become the champion...

In the afternoon my parents in law paid us a visit, our sons showed them there school report. I told them that both did a great job at school and got excellent grades... Proud daddy.

After the worldcup final we lighted the BBQ again to have some great meat and shrimps. It was a great way to end the weekend with friends enjoying life.

So now it's monday, great sunny sky. I just phoned the dentist for my toothache. I can come in at 14.40 this afternoon, so I think I will get some drilling in my mouth. I'm glad this happend now and not in three weeks when we are in Crete, Greece.

Have a great sunny day

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Today I had driver's lessons (long story :D) and the guy who came right after me was not home because... He was at Zwarte Cross :') Forgot his lesson appointment. Well... It seems like at least he had a good reason to stay away from home, looks like an amazing program!

Lol ,I think he had a great time :)

Wow! That is awesome! It looks like you had a great time. The chicken on the skewers looks a lot like a recipe that my wife and I do frequently in the summer.

We sure did :) The Chicken is "Chicken Sate", a nice marinade from the asian kitchen. Tastes great !!

What is in the marinade? Ours is basically, garlic, oil, honey, soy sauce.

our's is not much different. A bit (tiny) ginger, garlic, soy sauce and oliveoil.. and some herb's from a package :)

Very cool!

Leuk zo'n overzicht van het festival. Jammer dat het dan in het NOS journaal een item wordt over niet mogen roken in de tent en het dan toch doen.

ik had het inderdaad gezien op het nieuws. Wat ik ook begreep is dat men de roker zelf niet kan beboeten maar wel de organisatie. Beetje flauw. Los van het feit dat mensen zich gewoon aan de regels moeten houden begrijpt de controleren instantie hopelijk toch wel dat het voor een organisatie erg moeilijk is met zo veel mensen om dit volledig uit te kunnen sluiten...

Ja het heeft twee kanten. Je hoopt dat de bezoekers snappen dat het niet handig is en de borden er niet voor niks hangen. De droogte die je al aangeeft lijkt mij ook wel een reden om sowieso geen vuur te maken. Maar ja ik rook niet, dus heb makkelijk praten. Aan de andere kant is het natuurlijk vreemd dat de 'dader' niet kan worden beboet maar de organisatie wel.

Wat ik ervan zie is dat elke maatregel om vuur helemaal te bannen afbreuk zou doen het relaxte sfeertje van het festival. Het opstellen van regels werkt bij veel mensen averechts. Maar toch wel zonde van het geld wanneer de organisatie boetes moet betalen. Kunnen ze beter uitgeven aan het festival.

Dat is juist het vervelende inderdaad. De organisatie kan letterlijk op de blaren zitten... En er mocht overal gerookt worden behalve in de tenten. Lijkt me toch niet heel moeilijk je daar aan te houden..

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Thank you very much !!

Sounds like a beautiful weekend, surrounded by friends and family and exciting moments. Thanks for sharing, and cool sunglasses!

You're very welcome. It was a great time !!

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