Obligatory military service part three

in #life6 years ago


Yesterday I started a serie about my time in the Army during my Obligatory military service. At the end of thispost you can find a link to the other part(s). My idea to write about this came from the news that on Morocco they are planning to re-introduce the obligatory service again. It reminded me at myself servicing the army when it was still obligated.

Friends are made


When I was finally settled on my room with my new roommates I've noticed that the situation really bonds. With that I mean that everybody is in the same situation, from which most guys really didn't want to be in the army at that moment but we all had to make the best of it. It was fun to see the things everybody took with them to the barracks after a weekend, lots of things to eat and to drink and everybody shared their stuff.

During the day we had all kinds of things to do, lessons in driving the Landrover, shooting weapons, first Aid, law and rules in the army and of course sports.

With the sportslessons I had my first experience with the hierarchy in the army. One weekend I was at home I got an earring in my rightear, just for fun and at that time is was common :) (my son's laugh when they heared I have had earrings). So when I came back at the barracks and we had sportlessons on monday the instructor (a sergeant) said to me I had to remove the earring. (it was a little knob). The woman at the jewelry told me that I had to keep it in for at least three weeks other wise the whole was closiong again. So i told the instructor I couldn't remove it for that reason. He was not impressed and told me that he couldn't care less and said I HAVE to remove it. The part where he said 'he couldn't care less' was the part that triggered me. I was averse to displaying power at that time, so I refused to remove the earring, this escalated quite quick so the instructor told me that I had to leave and I had to report myself to our chief of Battalion, a Major.


When I came in his office you had to salute him and wait for him to say that you can stand normally. Something I still wan't used to :). He asked me why I was send over to him, so I told him the situation. I remember him being a kind guy but with the army attitude. He said "Well, I a sergeant tells you to do something, you don't argue you just do it"...
I told him that I still had to get used to that and that I would pay close attention that.

So the result was that I could hold my earring in my ear but with a band Aid ;) And that I could continue to sport. And from that moment on I knew I had to give in a little of my rebellion attitude ;)

See also the other parts in this (true) story

Part one of this story
Part two of this story

Thanks for reading,

Have a great day

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An army sequel off blogs very Nice Peter
Ik heb dienst overgeslagen, ben nu in dienst 😉

Hahaha zo voelt het voor mij ook nog steeds wel eens 😂

Ja maar de vraag is welke is beter ! Nee gekheid ik hou van mijn leger 😉
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Alldutch ben ik nog (op een laag pitje) mee bezig. Ik vraag me wel af of er nog steeds behoefte bestaat aan een groep met Nederlandse insteek. Als ik kijk op discord is iedereen vooral bezig met zijn eigen dingen...

Great post. Like I said, it seems a lot more lax than what we are used to seeing over here. I have a feeling in the US military you would have been doing push-ups or cleaning out the bathrooms for talking back to a superior. Awesome that the Major was kind of understanding.

Ow, there are many examples of the same here in Holland :) I guess I got lucky with the Major. More to follow :) thanks

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