Are Steemians on a early Holiday?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

This morning I read a post from @karinxxl about holding on on Steem and Steemit while the market is going down, read her article here

While reading it I couldn't agree more with her. Don't lose hope or motivation to write awesome content just because things (Steem and Steem dollar value) are a bit disapointed at the moment.


Are Steemians on a early Holiday?

The reason why I ask that is that it almost is as of a lot of 'Steemit Regulars' are vanished from the platform. I see less posts from people who'm posted almost every day or even more times a day. (and I didn't clean my follow list). And without any real 'proof' I do think it has to do with the lower market of Steem (but Crypto in general) . Is it less interessting when there is no 'big reward' possible? I don't think so, I do think that if that is the case you aren't gonna 'survive' anyway. At least not with just posting great content and not being involved with fellow steemians.


Engaging is for me and to me the magic word, I mean Steemit is more than only write posts and read others. It's (although for me) get to know people by reading their posts, seeing things that returns in somebody's post more then once. Or by the way they write.. Just exchanging experiences or opinions about thing, helping people with problems they are stuggling with... That's engagement, that's showing commitment. And of course that can be different for any other person. But that's for me one of the pilars of Steemit.

Do I bother the market is down?

To be honest I have to say NO, it don't bother me at all, and you know why it doesnt?

I have nothing to loose but growing friendships
With that I mean, I'm not in it for getting rich overnight or even long term LOL. I did join Steemit because of the vision of creating content and getting rewarded for it, like any other person I suppose. But since me being here I see and feel that it is much more then that. Being part of some kind of community with all kinds of people with similar interest but different backgrounds is awesome.


Where do I see Steemit in a year or two

That's a tough one because I think the strength of this platform is about commitment and bonding. And with that said it is difficult to grow more and more when people are leaving of are less active when things are going badly of less good. It's human nature I guess, to leave something a side when it's not going well. But when you look at that in the light of Steemit, that's not what it needs to succeed. And I think a lot of people (luckily) think the same. So we all must commit and be Steemit ambassadors where we can....

Of course everybody has up's and down's with inspiration to write great posts. You have to get a great subject at least :) But for that you can also learn of get inspirated by others. That's the power of community's. Or just read other people's post and comment on them, that can be just as satisfying.. So let's stick together, for better and for worse :)

Have a great evening and keep up that music !!

I fully support @s3rg3 and @exyle, who are witness with their developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support them, they would appreciate your vote here.

They are the creators of Steemify, THE notification app for your Steemit account for IOS.



I don't have less interest when the price of STEEM is down, but I do feel a little bad when I see the number of upvotes stay the same but my payout amount keep decreasing (as STEEM falls). It can be a little disheartening to see that, but doesn't affect my writing at all. I write to share info, start conversations, and build relationships. I do hope someday I can be fully supported by writing on here, but right now just earning more SP is great.

I hear you :) , and that true. But when Steem does go up, your earnings will of course go with it... I keep on writing as I did always. Become fully supported by steem would be cool, but is not my goal :) Thank's for your comment !!!

I too saw the post by @karinxxl and responded to it. There are less posts happening, but I for one are not letting up.

I could do with some of that 6c STEEM that @steevc mentions, but I think that's true for all of us.

Exactly, same here.. I do wonder if the overall quality of posts will be better in these circumstances.. Do you think?

I wouldn't say they are better, just less of them. I need to increase my followers a little.

I think, keep doing what you are doing :), I will resteem some more of your posts. Perhaps it helps a little..

I don't see why the price bothers people so much. Crypto prices seem to be up and down like a fiddlers elbow :)

me neither, and it is inherent to Crypto I believe haha :)

Speaking for myself, it's Summer Vacation for my kids so I have to put the phone down as it's the right thing to do. Although I certainly think that's not the case for everyone.

I noticed that there was also less activity. Also, it might just be me, but the bids on the bid bots are much lower?

Is it? I don't really follow the bid bots so I honestly don't know.. :)
Thanks !!

Nice one man, I like it. Also remember less posts means more rewards pool to go round.. thanks for keeping it real and encouraging us all! 👍

Thank you :) Much appreciated !

Great post - yeah been here 4 months and been through 1 dip in price already and the same thing happened. Doesn't really affect me - its a long term gain and the steem you earn now will (should!) Be worth more in the future ☺☺

Thanks :) And yes, I agree... But it's funny to see some panic reactions or see people leave, strange thing isn't it.. :) But well, we are here to stay :)

TO me it just shows that people are here to try and make a quick dollar rather than here for the long term.

Yep we are here to stay!

I am still here 😉😂🎉👍
Maar het is jammer dat met hele goede blogs je nu minder exposure hebt. En dan heb ik het niet over het rewards krijgen. Weet je ik zou wel eens een trending post Willen halen

hahah dat weet ik toch :) maar een trending..pfiew... zal wel tof zijn inderdaad, maar dat is volgens mij aan ons (nog) niet besteed :)

Thanks for the mention bro, and you saw the same thing as well. I dont know where this will all go in the end of a couple of years, but I do still think that exactly these moments will be the ones to benefit from in the long run

I think a lot of the newer users have accounts that are so low that they don't really even notice that the price of STEEM is down. It is possible that the people are taking a nice break and gathering a lot of new material to present to us in the future. Let's hope that is the case anyway!

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