7 Oct 2017: Thought Of The Day (Original Elaboration)

in #life7 years ago

  " Practicing the pranayama technique without the guidance of a Guru will be detrimental your health." 


        Basic elements for human survival would include food, water and air. The most human can life without these elements would be; 

  1. 8 weeks without food
  2. 8 days without water
  3. 8 minutes without air 

The power of air can be realized in a seconds just looking at above explanation. The air in another context would be widely used for spiritual realization. To attain heights in spiritual realization breathing exercise is necessary.  

        To be surrounded in purified airy environment do matters on health condition. Level up this, harmonic flow of air would create breeze, which bring pleasure to the receiver. However, uncontrolled air in a larger scale can create hurricanes or tornado, which would be endangering life even. Sages and saints understand the importance of air, breathing and the scale of air power. They found a pathway controlling it to human benefits. This is called pranayama (breathing exercise).

        Air flowing through your bodies for inhaling and exhaling would only be useful for respiration to transport oxygen in and to transport carbon dioxide out. However, harmonic flow in controlled manner or pranayama can do more.  Each breathe in and out in pranayama would cut through the electromagnetic channel (Nadis) called Ida (Left Channel) and Pingala (Right Channel). This harmonic flow would then strike to release a very little portion of kundalini shakthi located at muladhara chakra. This energy would then travel through sushumna nadi which is in between ida and pingala to ajna chakra. Energy, which have been uplifted to ajna, can be utilized for spiritual realization benefits.  

        One should understand how complicated is pranayama just by reading above explanation. To further comprehend how credible should be the teacher or Guru’s empowering their students with pranayama knowledge. Only with a true Guru this spiritual realization arts have to be learn. Learning the skills from unfinished materials or fake Gurus can further detrimental one’s health, just like the above example on uncontrolled air in a larger scale.   


Interesting article and explanation in detail. I see that you are very inclined into inner matters. Nice to see that.....keep writting @venutbn

Wow, did not know pranayama was this important, was just understanding it as a mere breathing exercise to enter meditation. Good write up. I have upvote and resteem as usual. Thanks and keep it up..

Thanks for the upvotes and resteem.. this serve me as massive booster for everyday blog posting.. Thank you very much..
Yes pranayama is very important as important as other 8 steps in Raja Yoga..
But to do it correctly is utmost important with proper Guru guidance..

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