The forgotten art of consistency.

in #life7 years ago


Everyone wants to achieve certain tgings in life, be it a dream job or reaching a certain authority position, or something more physical like building a house.
Nevertheless, whatever it may be there is one thing that many people have never mastered to obtain, that is the art of consistency.


An idea by itself is as good as the amount of willpower that stands behind it, which defines and measures the length of consistency that will be accumulated. Our inner dimensions are markers to our outer expression, thus they will define how much one succeeds in mastering his ideas and concepts.

Mastering consistency is something extremely hard for the ones that have big dreams and ambitions, it not only requires permanence but the will to let go of that which doesn't serve the greater good of completing the concept, sometimes that might be family, friends and surroundings.

These are some of the hardest things to let go of and most people at young age don't gain much from life because theyd rather follow their family's dreams and goals that have been made up for them, therefore leaving their true desires to fade and be buried?

Consistency isn't only the ability to focus everything in one direction, it is fluidity, knowing how to curve to other roads that may take you to the end result faster.

One needs only to put his end result as a marker, to be seen from the distance if he gets lost.

Ive always struggled with consistency due to external interference and sometimes due to clinging to stuff that takes me off my trajectory. Being an energetic person means my family has always gotten in my way as I've been drowned in their vision of my life, not only in words but as a heavy energy which can totally erase ones freedom if he lets go of the grip for a second.

Consistency is best obtained when one can dodge the obstacles and start hearing the guidance of his heart, following that by itself is enough to reach any goal, for his heart beast with the universe.

Be Free


lets see if you can consistently post ;-) lol
it does take good discipline to be consistent..

i never had much of that,, but what i lack in discipline i make up for with sheer passion and determination!

I have not much of all of them, I guess I´m just lucky.

I will certainly do my best, despite this being a short post this one I have something great coming up that i will share tonight probably or tomorrow. It's not only going to be a post, rather a journey :)

Also. Thanks for the feedback alex :)

I can relate to your musings. Everyone else will tell you what you should do, however it doesn't mean you should listen.

Everything hold a hidden gem in it. I do understand what yoy say friend :) thanks for the advice. Otherwise one should know his destination and glide through the rapids as he can.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving some feedback, its much appreciated

I struggle with consistency too. Now trying my best to post at least one post in steemit, not easy at all.

Actually i think need to find good balance between self determination, and following of other forces.

Taoism has a lot to teach on that regard.

Its bit like sailing, its always the art to keep your direction and getting there as fast as possible using wind forces and currents even if they dont go exactly in the direction you want.

There is always some part of energy from others and circumstances that you can use in order to get where you want.

You cant always do everything alone, and getting against the current is also somehow waste of energy and frictions, and its better to know how to use those forces and how they can get you closer to where you want to get at, rather than wanting to get everything only through your own will power.

Even if the feeling of total surrender to external force can be daunting due to trust issue, it can also be very powerful, to become more in tune with the global flow of things, to align your will power with it, rather than trying to bend everything with sheer will power.

Specially with the kundalini experience, learning to also surrender to external influence, also translated to internal energies, can save a lot of stamina, and avoid lot of psychological pbs, of inner conflicts, neurosis etc.

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