Living a Wu-Wei Lifestyle.

in #life7 years ago


I recently saw someone mentioning something about Wu-Wei. I didn't know what that meant until reading further about it. And it seemed that this was the way of my lifestyle.

Wu-Wei means literally "Non-Action", "Non-Doing". This has been an embodiment for me for the past two years.

So I decided to dedicate an article about it and see if I can share some of my personal Experience with you guys.



Living in the natural Flow of life. Not forcing yourself to do excess things that jeopardize inner peace harmony and integrity.

One of the hardest things to do if living in a demanding social circle.

I've always thought that society was being a pain in the ass. But today I would like to restructure what I said.

The way society is built is a pain in the ass.

I don't hate people, I don't judge people. I think everyone is lovely and everyone is pure. But sometimes people get pushed to do things that go against their natural flow. Therefore some of us judge their doings mainly due to that.

But one thing that we fail to see is the source of their motives. Be it poverty or a need for security. Therefore we judge their actions as if they were made or taken as if they enjoy doing that which they do.

This is why I chose a Wu-Wei lifestyle. But to further explain this, here's a Quote from Wikipedia. Explaining how this works.

In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu explains that beings (or phenomena) that are wholly in harmony with the Tao behave in a completely natural, uncontrived way. The goal of spiritual practice for the human being is, according to Lao Tzu, the attainment of this purely natural way of behaving, as when the planets revolve around the sun. The planets effortlessly do this revolving without any sort of control, force, or attempt to revolve themselves, thus engaging in effortless and spontaneous movement.

As some can see, obtaining such a balance within one given individual might be hard sometimes, mainly due to life circumstances or some other external phenomenon.

This is why I love steemit.

Steemit and the Wu-Wei life model

I love the fact that steemit has the potential to actually provide for this life model. You can simply find peace, write about the things that make you who you are and get something out of it.
Getting a small payout for your natural self-sharing.

Although I am strongly against Money, I hate having to measure my life in finance. I must say that despite my unwantedness, Money is a demand. We are somewhat demanded to have money to exist. And like it or not it is a necessity.

Finding peace within yourself is not that hard as many says. Truly the hard part is expressing that peace and making it an extension of your doings. How can you do that when your doings are preconditioned by society, rather not society but social demands.

This has ripped a hole within me, knowing that I've found peace but can't embody it due to life demands.

I don't want to run away from my social condition. I love it. I've never been one to run away from inner hardship. So thus, this leads to a road of seeking and changing. I had and have to shape the way I see things in order to balance my life.

I'm grateful for the Love I receive from the community

I'm really blessed to have stumbled upon this platform. Before I was locked thinking that I totally must work a 9 to 5 job and that thought was an embodiment of my life model.

At this point, at my current country's conditions, I can see a future for myself where I can actually provide financial peace for myself by doing that which I love. To share write and create.

It still depends on me to strive for that, I know it won't come for granted, neither do I want it to, in order to push and better myself but at least I know that all the efforts I am placing here are from a source of Love, be it for the community or for the things I do and write.



Overall Wu-Wai is a "attitude of genuine non-action, motivated by a lack of desire to participate in human affairs". Which might seem a bit egocentric, yet it is on the opposite side.

When someone makes a Decision to dissociate himself from Human Affairs, he allows the natural course of things to flow.

This is why I don't care who does what on the Steemit Platform. The only difference is that I don't care about some stuff because I understand and respect the notion, not rather, don't want to damage myself trying to do what is what by stating some stupid opinions of mine in hopes of changing anything.

What do you think about this life model ? Do you see yourself having any simmilarities to it ? I'd love to know !

Thanks for having a read !



The question, as always, is where did you get your knowledge about Wu Wei from.
I can tell you from my experience with Sanskrit yoga texts and their different commentaries that those texts can mean different things to different people and I guess it won´t be much different with Chinese texts.
So all those concepts, which can be confusing to us in their literal translation, like non-action, non-doer, etc. are referring to a state of mind, namely detachment.
The Bhagavad Gita tells us that as long as we are in this body we cannot not act, but we can be detached from the outcome of our actions.
Some slackers use those texts as an excuse for being lazy, but any Gita guru worth his salt would hit them over the head with the Gita, lecturing them on stuff like duty and action, dharma and karma.

Therefore without attachment, do thou always perform action which should be done; for by performing action without attachment man reaches the Supreme.
BG III, 19

I accidentally initiated myself in a Shaktipat Siddha. I wasn't conscious of what I was doing back then, neither did I have any knowledge of what was to come.

Your comment gave me a good idea to write an article about this so I'l write a detailed version of how I came to this as my next post.

The gita is right. Our body and soul are constantly in motion, but we can detach ourselves of the outcomes. This means we detach from the emotions that follow after doing something, therefore we don't get triggered to take any further actions.

I like this post and resteemed

I think you're on the right track here. In Yoga they have a term "Viragiya" which is distaste for the world. It's one of the prerequisites to spiritual practice, or progress along the spiritual path. There are lots of similarities in the eastern religions, very interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing!

I totally agree with your phrase . :D

great reflections on this... i'm not sure if i read that same wei-wu article or what because i randomly picked up a book from my shelf and turned to a description of wei-wu and the tao! lol.... a topic on many of our minds <3

Very useful information. I like it.
I hope you visit my blog.
Thank you @vangelov

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