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RE: One of the Many: Maximum Work, Minimum Return

in #life7 years ago

Glad to read that you're fed up with being milked like a cash cow by a system intended to lock you into place by trickling just enough to keep you there while extracting every bit of value you produce that you are unable to keep for yourself.

"...The government that does not believe that the country is rich enough with natural resources to survive on its own..."

The government doesn't believe anything. It's not a person. It's an agreement that some people made long ago, and a tool of people that use it in the way under discussion. It is those 'public servants' that are either coerced, or got into the job, in order to serve the oligarchy that create the derangable chokepoints the oligarchs use to extract our value.

Government was designed at the outset to do exactly this, and has cumulatively become better at it, and better at keeping us uninformed and gormless. Rhetoric is but bait, and the reality is hidden behind lies and propaganda, making it nearly impossible to ascertain this truth.

"The lack of education is the root cause of being enslaved..."

The essential truth of how the system is maintained! The best way to poorly educate someone is to teach them propaganda, to teach them to believe the lie that the system is designed to benefit them. Just failing to indoctrinate children is less successful at creating cash cows, as people then aren't taught stuff they later have to unlearn to reach the truth.

A good example of this, which should become obvious to a world traveler in hindsight, is geography. In the first year of forced indoctrination in the USA, first grade, and the tender age of 6 years, I was taught in geography class that there are 7 continents. N. America, S. America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia, and Antarctica.

I bet you, and all of your readers were taught the same thing.

It's a lie. Europe and Asia are one continent. Why would they lie to us about simple geography?

Best I can figger is that by teaching American children that Europe is a separate continent from Asia, subsequent history and social studies can be used to give them a view of themselves that they are from a separate culture, and create an easy way to demonize Asian nations via the media later.

This kind of education is far worse than no education at all!


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