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RE: Stolen History, Hidden Technology

in #life6 years ago

Most people are unaware of how science is funded, via grants. This method of funding allows the grantors to elevate agreeable researchers to prominence, and condemns those that insist on remaining independent of such political control to penury.

This is not a new problem, nor that has only recently become fashionable for those with money to grant. American archeology is notorious for preventing research into pre-Clovis human presence in the Americas for most of a century. Only recently have persistent researchers broken through the barriers posed by such gate-keepers to attain to peer review of their work.

While American archeology is the most obvious and verifiable example that comes to mind, archeology generally, and all science, is susceptible. Egyptology is practically as infamous, and it is trivial for a layman to examine the claims of Egyptologists that the Pyramids and contents were made with copper chisels by people without the wheel and the evidence extant and prove this is false.

That 'alien-like power' you refer to is just money. I have seen how it works, working as a scientist for a government in the USA. All that is necessary is a lot of money that you can spend to produce a narrative that benefits your business (a la Monsanto, Big Pharma, etc.) social control policies (Soros, Antifa, CDC, etc.) or whatever you find profitable.

Be suspicious, particularly of claims that 4 out of 5 doctors agree, for example. If such claims were true, then smoking Camel cigarettes would have to be good for you, based on the public claims of advertisers in the 1970s.


I'm definitely aware of what you're speaking of and it's a reality, no doubt. It's always the magnitude of the thing that bugs me. Also, if the hipothesis is true, that Max tells about, then it brings a lot of new questions to the table and a lot more rabbit holes.

Personally, I don't really care too much about history, I find it interesting and it would be good to know but not on my "to-do" list. Think there are more important things happening.

Let's hope we'll have the freedom to research these things one day.

is the video even loading for you guys?

I watched it. My connection is crappy, but it loaded fine. Maybe going to (I believe that is Max's site) will enable you to watch it.

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