Climate Change? Here's Something Really Terrifying: 85% Decline in Insects and Birds.

in #life6 years ago


One of the reasons many people get so upset about climate change is that species won't have time to react and adapt to the rapid rate of change modern speculations about AGW (anthropogenic global warming) postulate.

This pretty much makes that worry moot: there won't be any species to react if we don't quickly and effectively make room in the agricultural industry for all species.

"...from 1989 to 2016, Germany had lost three quarters of its flying insects by mass..."

This is a major element of every ecosystem on Earth, and of all ecosystems humans depend on for our survival.

Unless you think Monsanto and Cargill can replace natural ecosystems.

I don't.

"Populations of birds that live in or near farms, such as the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa), have plummeted around the world. In France's Deux-Sèvres region, red-legged partridge counts have fallen 86 percent since 2009."

Many other farmland bird species are experiencing similar extinction events. This isn't a gradual decline of some pest, this is a precipitous eradication and extinction of species' highly desirable for their beneficial impacts.

Modern agriculture is eliminating the natural fabric of life that makes human life possible, for higher profits for chemical companies.

Nothing could be more terrifying to me than for life itself becoming totally dependent on foods from corporations as devoid of humanity as are companies like Monsanto and Cargill.

Birds and insects aren't pests. They are utterly essential to the fabric of life that we are part of, whether you like bugs or not. Ten more years of business as usual for agrobusiness, and Rachel Carson's 'Silent Springs' will be a permanent reality.

55mya (million years ago) CO2 was around 6000ppm, over ten times what it is today, and life was thriving all over the world. During the LGM (late glacial maximum) CO2 bounced off ~190 ppm, the point at which plants start to starve to death from lack of CO2.

CO2 isn't the deathknell of life on Earth. Monsanto is.

I highly recommend folks that care about the environment, and especially in the diversity of living things upon which all life on Earth depends, verify the facts I just related for themselves. Sites like provide robust and diverse commentary with lots of actual data from real data and climate scientists, not just paid shills for megacorporations and the enemedia, regarding climate change.

If we don't act right now to reverse the global extinction of life forms upon which our very survival and quality of life depend, we are going to be completely enslaved to giant chemical corporations that become the only source of food, water, air, and every necessary thing for our survival.

Act - at least read the links. End the extinction, before it ends us.

IMG source -


The best way for everyone to battle this is with their wallet. Buy organic clothing sheets towels.
Buy 100 percent organic food. Its costly but if your are dead who cares how much money you have.
My biggest frigging problem with everyone in this issue is they don't connect the dots, they don't understand that if that herbicide or pesticide kills everything, it will eventually kill them! NO SHIT you spoon fed Idiots!
Most of our world is filled with brain dead morons. Nothing we can say or do will wake them from their spoon fed slumber. They just can not get past the right left paradigm and they never will. Its way to much information for their little pea brains to handle.

Props! I know you're not just kvetching, but are out in front doing exactly what you recommend.

"Its costly but if your are dead who cares how much money you have."

This. This is my starting point, except I reckon when I'm dead, money I had when alive will just cause trouble.

I hope to die with none =D

I was utterly shocked to read that the partridge population had dropped almost 90% in less than ten years. There aren't many species more beneficial to humanity than partridge, and if that practically instant extinction isn't enough to get people to look up from their phones and take notice, nothing will--until they themselves are terminal.

There are losses that are acceptable, such as those from insect pests in properly managed polyculture. Polyculture has been impossible to industrialize with our rude technology. The advent of agbots may potentiate automated tending of polycultures, which may all but eliminate the need for pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, allowing such insects and their predators as we have left to survive.

Without our pests, we won't survive either.

Thanks for walking your talk!

I read this article a few days ago and it has a little more detail for the little ones to swallow.

However I don't agree with the authors political perspectives. I do agree that we are in great danger under the current circumstances of allowing a few money hungry corporations control the food supply.
On another note if your not broke when you are dead (unless you are one of the super rich) they will extinguish your funds with cry parties, (pretty caskets, long sad speeches, and fanfare) taxes and other related death expenses.
Oh hell if you don't have enough to cover those expenses don't worry your children will be burdened with those costs. That's ok most third world(America) folks rely on their children, more responsible relatives for daily expenses, medical bills, and death. And you and I are living proof that America has become a third world country.

Hell America is all about letting the next generation pay for the last generations expenses. Has been for about 70 years now. Another day in the land of the free and the home of the brave.LOL

Once again thanks for your thoughtful replies to my daily rage over the insanity we call democracy.

If you think about it, you'll agree that much before 70 years ago there wasn't a generation that had to be paid for by the next. Also, prior to that there weren't any old folks homes to park nearlydeads in until they croaked.

Family has always borne the costs of raising their children and propping up their old in their dotage so they could watch familial goings on.

It's the last few generations, now that we no longer work until we die, that has tried to separate the old (evidence of what industrial wage slavery does to people) from those still young enough to work. If you look at what's happening to pensions, the proposed cure to enable folks to pay for their care in their dotage, that hasn't worked either, and so it's back to the kids paying.

This might have once been the land of the free and home of the brave, but it's not anymore. Now you can go to jail for washing someone's hair without government permission, or traveling in a conveyance you built yourself, etc, and we don't have leaders, we have hucksters who are put forward in batches by the banksters for us to pick from.

It's become the land of the fee and the home of the knave.

The way to fix that is the same way to fix the agriculture problem: we need to NOT take the bait; to grow our own food and products so that we don't end up subject to the sunk cost fallacy and are free and easy in our minds to simply ignore the knaves until they go away.

We have a long way to go to fix these issues other than just growing our own food.
It seems that is one of the reasons that hemp was outlawed. If you can grow hemp it heals the land, can be used for food and fiber, best of all it can be used to produce your own energy. I am so wanting to live in a Nation that promotes its citizens to growing what they desire for food medicine and energy.

I was mocking the "home of the free land of the brave" it has not been that since the civil war. Since then it has been the land of the enslaved and home of the scared.

Remember when cars were covered with dead insects on long journeys?, not anymore, birds have lost their food source due to pesticides.


I smell another very powerful truth bomb here. Wake up, snowflakes.

Monsatan, ADM, Cargill...all of them need to have their corporate charters yanked and their executives arrested for genocide.

Just another reason I started growing my own food. Thankful birds are still thriving in this area of the world.

Monsanto is certainly evil. Satan is in their name.

What you are doing by taking responsibility for your own food, is what is necessary to combat industrial agriculture and the decimation of the necessary ecosystem that makes human life possible.

We need to make this possible for everyone, everywhere, and end the monopoly threat megacorporations pose not just to bugs and birds, but all life and the quality of it we enjoy.


The populist whores knew about the ecologic cost of indistrialized farming. It is not that these whores are ignorant, just that they are indifferent. The consequence of having peasants in government is that these have little to no conception regarding the weight of responsibility. In a democratic whoredom of modern humanist West, the policy horizon extends merely to the next election cycle. Policy consequences that have 30-100 year timeframe is of little interest to whores, whose only interest is clinging onto their political offices.

I find it odd that I may be even more cynical than yourself. I don't think the populist whores are actually in charge of jackall, but merely sockpuppets for their masters, who do have interest in policy consequences far into the future.

The extraordinary power and wealth that companies will reap when they sow the destruction of the natural ecosystem cannot have escaped their notice.

I think they're doing it on purpose.


by design is what I say very often.

If the world continues on this path we will all be eating synthetic food in the future.

I'm pretty sure a lot of what I eat is synthetic already. Worse, I suspect much of it is ersatz, simulated, pseudofood. I haven't cooked a meal in weeks, as my neighbors feed me. I cringe at the thought of them using their teflon coated frying pans, spraying industrial lubricants on them instead of using actual food oils, but dammit, their hearts are in the right place!

Yeah. I try to use real butter and stuff but they make it soo damn expensive. Its way cheaper to use those crap oils. Im guilty of eating prepackaged foods though. I try to stay away from the simple prepackaged meats, potatoes, and veggies. Those are easy enough to prepare on your own. Its just stuff like yogurt and cereals. Its really tough to stay away from the poisons completly. I at less minimize mine.

Thanks man, you are so right. I am just now in Germany. Bees doing well some beekeeper told me, but there is no buzzing and whizzing in the meadows and fields anymore nowadays.
Today I got a little bird viziting me, Hope he survived:

Great article but I hardly think we become enslaves to the chemical producers because we will be extinct by that point.

Yeah. Being slaves at that point would sorta be the best of all possible outcomes.

This is why we need to act before the best future we can hope for is to be pets.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

Tis very sad what Al Gore and Monsanto have done.

People felt, knew in their hearts, that something bad was being done to the planet.

And then "An Inconvenient Lie" came out, and people jumped on that, because it explained what was wrong.
Unfortunately, it was all hogwash. A diversion from what was really happening.

Monsanto destroying everything they touched.
If we were honest with ourselves, and knew all the things Monsanto was doing. We would charge them with murder, show up at their facilities and lock up everybody.

Locking up megacorporate executives would be a good start.

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