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RE: Long Term Effects on Your Children of Spanking

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Well, that's a loaded parade of horribles. So is spanking bad or are parents bad spankers?

Since the physical act is not detrimental, then those against this practice claim that there is psychological damage. But when you examine psychology, you quickly discover that it is not a science based on observable conclusions. It is based on consensus of normalcy. This is why psychologists once claimed homosexuals were deviant, perverted, psychotics... and they are now normal. How is it that a severe problem in 1955 is normal behavior in 2015?

Simple. Psychology is a pseudoscience based on false premises. It's basis is in doctrine published periodically by the community of psychologists. It's a cyclical error-meets error. The criteria for mental illness change with every publication, every new-found deviancy.

You are advocating for the folks who medicate 1/4 of the American population with unnecessary psychotic medicines. You're trading a swat for a dose of Ritalin, or at least that's the outcome.

Moving to your spanking farce: You have made a good attempt at logic, and I'm not saying you need to go spank behinds. But the alternative promoted since Dr. Spock and the 1960s is to medicate and visit the charlatans who know so much better than moms how to fix unruly kids.

Did those "studies" adjust for pharmaceutical usage and fake diagnoses of hyperactivity disorders?

Sorry I didn't sing your tune.


1985 Article* about this:

Indeed, most child-care experts today disapprove of physical punishment. Dr. John F. Knutson, a professor of psychiatry...
Child-rearing experts also disagree on whether or not physical punishment deters misbehavior. Dr. James Dobson, a psychologist ...
Dr. Kenneth Kaye, a family therapist and an associate professor of clinical psychiatry ...
Other alternatives favored by psychologists include controlling the environment by placing expensive or dangerous objects out of reach, isolating youngsters for ...
Children, said Dr. Norma Deitch Feshbach, learn best in an atmosphere of reason and support, patience and understanding. Dr. Feshbach, a clinical psychologist ...

We are being trained (liked Pavlov's dog) to think that psychologists and the occasional psychiatrist are the modern experts on child rearing.... when we should know that moms and grandmothers are.

Who are we going to believe? Mom or the New York Times? This modernism and cognitive dissonance is the norm. To think otherwise is a mental disorder.... literally ... in the pages of modern psychology texts. If you go against what their textbooks say, look out for the diagnoses of mental illness pointed in
your direction.


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